I'm not yours: Chapter 14

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I Push open her door and she sits up from the bed quickly as she sees me. "What the fuck Adamo?" She exclaims. "How could you do that? How could you make him do such a thing to you?" I question.

I'm angry, I'm really angry. I can't believe she let a man go between her legs. I get it was for the mission but that was just too far.

"What are you talking about?" She asks. "What do you mean what am I talking about? I'm talking about you letting a 50 year old man between your legs"

She scoffs and throws down her phone on the bed. "So this is what this is about. Me just trying to finish my damn mission so I can kill your father so that all the misery in my family can end and you're thinking about me letting another man between my legs. What the fuck is wrong with you?! You don't see Dad saying anything about it do you? So why the fuck do you have a problem with it?!" She pauses to catch her breath.

"We are not a couple Adamo. Since I have to make it clear. What we did was a one time thing. Not because we kissed this afternoon means we are now together. It doesn't work like that. You have no say in what I do. You don't own me and I can do anything I feel like. I'm 23 for crying out loud"

This is just heart breaking knowing she doesn't remember me. If she did there was no way she would be acting like this. She once said she would never leave me but here she is distancing herself from me.

"Ashlyn, don't you remember me?" I ask my words coming out softer than I wanted. She looks at me confused. "What?" she asks furrowing her eyebrows. "You don't remember me" I say and she starts approaching me.

"Adam, your crying " she reaches up for my face and wipes away my unaware tears. "I'm trying so hard for you but it's just so hard" I say as I feel more tears forming in my eyes.

Ashlyn's POV:

I've never seen him look this vulnerable before. It's almost heart breaking. Almost. But what I don't understand is him saying that I don't remember him like we've known each other before. "I don't understand" I say as I cup his face.

He sniffles and wipes his tears. He brushes off my hand from his face. "It's fine, it's not like it would change anything" Seriously this is how he's gonna act? "I'm just trying to help you Adam" I say.

"Well just a minute ago you were cursing me out and now you want to feel sorry for me? What is this?" He says furrow his eyebrows. He's hurt. Very.


After Adamo's and I's argument he made his way to his room and I just sat in mine trying to figure out what he meant when he said I didn't remember him. A knock at my door stops my thoughts and I look over to it before groaning.

I stand from my bed and Lia was there. What the hell is she doing here? She pulls me in a hug then pulls away. "Your Mom told me you didn't seem right since you got here so I took it upon myself to come here" She says answering my question.

She walks inside my room and closes the door behind her. "You seemed surprised and a little scared. You haven't said anything since I got here. What's up?" She asks as she makes her way over to my bed.

She sits and I walk over to her also taking a seat. "I don't know what to do" I say holding my head down. "Is this about Adamo?" she asks. Great she just had to bring him up. "Oh my gosh! You had sex with him didn't you"

Just great

"Yeah I did" i finally say. She smiles a cheeky smile. "Don't look at me like that" I say with a smile of my own. "Do you like him?" She teases. "Hell no" I say a little too fast. "So why the hell did you have sex with him dumb fuck?" I shrug my shoulders and she laughs. "We were horny?" i say

"Your more twisted than I thought" she says and plops backwards on my bed. "Have you had sex again since?" She asks. "Well no but we have kissed" I say and she sits back up. She gasps and cups my face. "Ashlyn Henderson is blushing" she says and I quickly take her hands from my face.

"I am not" I say and she nods sarcastically as she hums.  "I hate you sometimes you know" I say, "Well you only hate me cause I'm right. You do you like him though" She says. "Okay if you say something like that again I'm gonna kick you out of my room" I say and she laughs.

There was a knock at the door and we both look at each other. "Ooo it's probably lover boy" she whispers smiling as she rubs her hands together. "Okay that's it your done" I say and pull her up by her hand but she stays on the bed and I sigh before going to the door.

I really hope it's not him though, I can't deal with another one of his talks or whatever. I open the door and I sigh in frustration. Can't God be on my side for once? "What do you want?"I ask. "I just want to talk that's all" he says and I feel someone behind me.

"I don't think it's only talking that's going to be going down in this room" she smiles before leaving my room. I roll my eyes at her and she blows me a kiss. "No" I say and he looks at me confused.

"I'm saying no to your offer of talking" I say. I don't think I'm gonna be able to keep my hands to myself. I can't trust myself around him. "It's just talking Ashlyn"

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I might not be frequent in uploading because my school starts back Monday so it might not be as frequent.

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