I'm a Dad: Chapter 35

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My beautiful Ashlyn. I have missed you. "What the fuck is he doing here?" She says to the man behind me. She turns her head to me. "Please leave. I don't want you here" She says her voice filled with hurt.

"Umm I think we should go" Lia says motioning to Kevin and Ashley. Ashley glares at me as Lia drags her into the yard and into the house.

"You had our kids?" I say in disbelief. "And you didn't tell me about them? I get we weren't aloud to talk to each other but the situation has been dealt with for 3 months now" she sighs and looks away from me.

"Ashlyn" I say and she wips around. "What Adamo? Yes they are your kids. I didn't know the contract was signed 3 months ago or else I would have told you the minute I knew. My parents just said one weekend here and then I return to London but they never mentioned anything about the contract" She sighs. "I swear Adamo, if I ever knew about it I would have been here in a heartbeat"

"I want to be in their life. I don't want to be the Dad that's never there. I want to be there for every moment of their lives. I might not have been there for their first steps, first laugh, first word, first smile and so on but I want there to be a first play date with my daughter. I want there to be a first movie with my son. I want to have a first" I walk closer to her.

"I need this Ashlyn" Her breathing pace picks up as she stares into my eyes. "You know" She smiles a bit. I've missed her smile. "I never said anything about keeping you away from your children Adamo" she says and a smile makes it way on my face. I want to kiss her right now. I want to devour her. It's been so long since I've tasted those lips.

She smiles. "I missed you so much, you have no idea" she says. I grin as I tuck a piece of hair behind her ear. "I've missed you too Darling"

"Can I kiss you?" I ask. It just slipped out. She shakes her head with sadness in her eyes. "No, Adamo. I'm not really ready for this" She says and my heart breaks into a million pieces. Is it because of that Kevin guy?

"Are you and the man with my children dating?" I ask. You could clearly hear  my anger. She chuckles. "No. We are not dating or in a relationship Adamo, no need to get jealous now" she says then laughs. I missed her laugh.

"But, I really didn't want them to meet you like this" She says sadly. "Maybe we could set a date when you could come over?" I sigh. "I should be on my way to the airport right now to get back to Russia"

"Gosh, why can't nothing go my way" She leans on the car with her eyes closed and hand resting on her forehead. "I'll make something work" I say. She opens her eyes. "I can come by tomorrow" She looks at me concerned. "Are you sure?" She questions. "As sure I'll ever be, Darling"

She laughs. "You're still as charming as before, though you do look older with that stubble of yours." I walk up to her taking her chin my between my fingers. "And you're still as beautiful as the day I laid eyes on you" Her face turns red as a smile creeps up on her lips.

"What are their names?" I ask. I've been curious this whole time as to what my kids are named. Did she give them my last name? Or not?

"Their names are, Luxury Naya Henderson and Leon Adam Henderson" She says playing with her fingers. She didn't usually do that. She gave my son a name similar to mine. I love this woman so much.

"You two love birds work things out yet!" Lia shouts. Aslyn chuckles looking away from me. I give her a kiss on the cheek. "I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow" I whisper in her ear. She nods and I walk off with an idiot smile on my face. I get in my car and drive off.



"Come on, get in bed" I usher the twins to their shared bed. In London they share a room but they have their own beds but for now they have to share. "Hey, mama" Leon calls. I hum. WHo was the mister outside today.

Leon hadn't brung up since I came back inside which was suspicious but now I see he was just waiting till everyone left and had me to himself. "yeah, he looked like he didn't like Kev, at all" Lee comes in. Both kids criss cross their legs as they look at me attentively.

I sigh. I guess there's no waiting for tomorrow. "Well, the mister that came by today is your father. I know you've seen Kevin as your father figure growing up but like i always say, he's not your father. Your father and I had a complicated relationship before you were born" I take a deep breath. "He didn't know that I had you guys in my tummy. He didn't know I had you guys until today"

"So, he's like our daddy?" Lee asks. I chuckle. "Yeah lee" She stands on the bed and starts jumping with a wide smile. "I've got a daddy, I've got a daddy. Get up Leon, We got a daddy!" She screams happily.

I smile then look down at Leon. He had a smile on his face and tears threatening to leave. "Aww, baby" i took him in my arms and hugged him.

"My sweet, sweet baby. It's okay" I hush him.

Sorry for not updating last week I was in a area where there was no internet and i just got back home so I a hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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