Mission 1: Chapter 13

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After Dad actually knew who Adamo was he gave the whole family a speech of keeping their distance away from him cause he could turn on us any moment so we should keep an eye on him. Then he went aside with Adamo, I don't know what for but they took a long time.

He came out and started to explain the plan that Adamo and I will basically be playing out.

"So here is the plan" My Dad starts. "First we're gonna fly to Georgia and we are gonna get in contact with a man named Flinn Garette. He owns a club there and he might have information on.....you-I mean Adamo's father" I nod my head.

"As much as I don't like this idea it has to happen" he says but I think mostly to himself. I look at him confused and so does everyone. The whole family was here, but we were only carrying a few of them.

His fingers go to the bridge of his nose. "Ashlyn, your gonna have to flirt with Flinn to get his attention" He says. He looks up at us. "You're gonna need to get to his office that is in the club and then you do your thing to get him to tell you information. We will all have our earpieces so we should be able to hear everything" he finishes.

I slouch down in the couch as I know what he means by doing my thing. Most times when we would go on missions together I would have to flirt with most of the targets and all they wanted was sex. Ugh. It disgust me just thinking about it.


Five hours later

So we are here. In Montesano with my enemy trying to find his father so we can kill him for all the stuff he has done. We were all in one of Dad's houses he owned here.

Dad and Mom were on the third floor in the house while the rest of us as in Me, Adamo, Gia, Liam, Chris, Caity, Ashley, and Kaliyah were all on the second story. I got in my chosen room and started unpacking my clothes.

We were going to the club tonight. It's now 12: 24 pm so I have time to myself I guess. I took off my clothes and put on something more comfortable.

I took up my phone and laid on my bed

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I took up my phone and laid on my bed. Before I could even turn it on there was a knock on the door causing me to groan. "Can't I get a little break to myself" I mumble to myself. I get off the bed and walk over to the door and open it.

I open it and Adamo looks up at me. I roll my eyes. "What do you want Ivanov?" I question. He huffs. "So now I'm Ivanov?" He asks and I chuckle. "Hasn't that been your name your whole life? It wouldn't make a difference if I chose to now call you by it"

"Can I just come in please" I smirk. "No" i say and he groans. "Gosh Ashlyn, your making this so hard for me"

"Am I making it hard for you or are you getting hard for me?" I ask and he looks at me with wide eyes. "It's a simple question, you know, you just need to answer it. But I do not recommend you do so or it will end up badly"

I lean against the door frame as I look up at him with innocent eyes. "Stop looking at me like that for God's sake" he says as his hands go in his pockets adjusting his pants. I smirk and continue looking at him.

Before I knew it he pushed me inside with him following and closes the door behind him. He pushes me up against the wall and pins my hands above my head.

"You have no idea how much I want to rip your clothes off right now, throw you on that bed of yours and have my way with you, kiss every part of that beautiful body you have while fucking you so deep the whole fucking house hear you and knows your mine"

"Sorry to burst your bubble, Mr. Needy but I'm no one's. No one own's me, but if you want to fuck me, I'm not stopping you, go ahead" I say as a joke but I think he got it as he smashes his lips on mine.


"Okay, Ashlyn you can go now, he's alone" Dad says through the earpiece. I fluff my hair as I approach Flinn who was drinking, what looks like Tequila. I sit next to him and order a whiskey. In the corner of my eye I could see him checking me out and I smirk.

Knowing that a fifty year old man is checking you out is fucking creepy and disgusting but I'm just doing this so I can get this whole mission over with.

I turn around to him. "See something you like?" I ask and he smirks then licks his lips. Ugh. I want to fucking hurl. "Yeah I do, wouldn't mine if that fine ass of yours was riding my face right about now" he says and I force a smile.

I can hear Dad mumbling curse words in the earpiece and I almost laughed. He's so protective. "Okay shut him up, ask him about Ivanov" Dad says over the earpiece.

"Do you know a Alexander De'Luca?" I ask. I use his old name as I think that's what everyone would know him as.

He stops smiling. My drink comes and I take it to my lips as I watch Finn closely. "Alexander, Yes I know him, what about him?" he asks. He starts looking around and I smile to myself. "I'm over here Finn" I say and he looks at me.

I smirk. "Back to what I was saying. I want information about him and you seem to have" I say. He stands from his stool. "Let's talk this out in my office" He says. I smile and put down my glass.

When we reach his office, you couldn't hear the music anymore and it was more quiet. "Under one condition" he says. I make my way over to his desk and lean on it facing him who's still at the door folding his arms.

"Oh yeah I could give you a million dollars" I say. "I don't want a million dollars" he says and I nod. "Okay, how about 5 million dollars" he groans and starts to approach me. "I don't want money sweetheart, I want you" he says and I got shivers just hearing him say that.

I knew something like this was gonna happen. I prepared myself for it. "Sex" I chuckle. "Gosh, Ashlyn don't do that" I hear Adamo. I ignore him and sit up on the desk. "Oh Sweetheart, I'm gonna need you to bend over the desk" he says and I shake my head.

"We are not having sex Flinn. So it's either you eat me out or you get none at all" I say "Remember it's you who needs the information" He says "It doesn't matter just get this over with but tell me before you eat me out" I say and he shake his head.

Of course the motherfucker was gonna do that.

"I swear I'm not gonna kill you or anything. I just want to know the information before you do whatever. I'm unarmed" I say and he looks at me with a believeable look. The piece of shit actually believes me.

"Fine. He said something about going to the Caribbean to do business. Whatever that means. That was about two years ago though" He says and I smile. "You can get to work now" I say

"Ashlyn! Are you fucking kidding me! You got the information just fucking get out now! If you ever-" He was cut off by Dad trying to shut him up. God he's annoying.

The bitch put his head between my legs and I wrap my legs around his head and twist it making a crack sound. He falls to the ground and I jump off the table then step over his body. "Target down" I say. "And please tell that idiot that I didn't let him eat me out" I say

I go over in his closet and get what information I needed then take out the little bottle of gasoline I had in my purse.

I emptied it on his dead body then lit it on fire. I quickly made my way out of the club and the car outside that was waiting on me that had Mom inside so I quickly got in and the driver sped off.

"Great job" she says and I forced a smile. I really didn't enjoy that mission. But now I have to go deal with a whole fucking speech.

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