Back home: Chapter 33

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"I'm gonna cry" I say. "No your not Ashlyn. Your about to be a Mum, Ashlyn. Your strong, you can do this" My mom says as she caresses my face. I shake my head rappidly as my breathing increases. "No mom. I can't do this. It hurts so bad" 

I need him. Oh gosh. Another contraction comes in and I break down in tears. My mo takes a hold of my hand and I squeeze it. 

"It's time to deliver the babies mom" Ashley says. She went to medical school so I trust her delivering my children. Like Dad said, we had to keep the pregnancy a secret so now we have my sister delivering my kids. 

"Get them out of me" My head tilts back as a scream leaves my lips. "Fuck!" 


Crying fills the room as my second child is delivered. Ashley places him in my arms and a chuckle leaves my lips. "Hey, baby Leon" He has his father's hair. Copper brown. "You got your Dad's eyes. Just as dark as his" I smile. 

After cleaning up me and the babies the set them in my hands and took pictures. Some with just me and the babies and some with the my family. The girl's name is Luxury and the Boy's name is Leon. 

Luxury and Leon Henderson. "Why don't we take the babies and you can get some rest" Mom says as she enters the room. I was just sat up in my bed as I watch the twins sleep in their cribs. "It's okay, mom. I'm not really tired" She lifts an eyebrow before coming to sit on my bed. 

"That's none-sense Ashlyn. You just gave birth to twins. When I gave birth to you an dyour sister I was out like a light the second I was done. They're not going anywhere, I'll watch them. Now get some rest" She says then gets off the bed and come around to me and gives me a kiss on the head. 

She takes up both Leon and Luxury then leaves. I guess a little shut eye wouldn't hurt. 


"Lee, you cant be doing that, that's mommy's" I say as I take my phone from her. She starts crying. "Dada" I roll my eyes. Not this again. I pick her up. "I'm sorry to disappoint you Luxury but he's not here, so boo hoo" "Mama" I smile. "Exactly, I'm mama" 

She stops crying when I give her back my phone. "Don't you have a tablet, why do you want  my phone?" She giggles. "I like it"  then she continues to play with my phone. "It's not funny lee" My door open's and Kevin walks in with Leo. 

"Kev" Lee shouts out. She loves Kevin. At first she use to call him Dada but I broke her out of it. I don't know why, but I hated when she did that. "Hey baby" He says as he kisses Luxury's head. She giggles and leans into his touch. He places Leon on the bed. "Are you ready to go?" He asks

"Yeah, lemme get their bags first" We were going back to Italy. We were just going for the Weekend, but I am happy to finally go home, even if it just for two days. "Mama?' I look back around to Leon. 

"Yes, baby" He jumps off the bed and tugs on my pants. I stoop down. "Is it true my Dada is in Italy?" I know they're almost three but where do they get this knowledge from? "Umm baby, who told you that?" I ask tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"I heard gramps talking about it last week" he says. "Well gramps wasn't talking about your Dad Leo, he was talking about Kevin's Dad" He frowns. "Mama, are you lying to me?" He asks and it breaks my heart to the crack in his voice. 

"No baby, why would you think that?" 

"Okay kids, it's time to go!" Kevin shouts. "Who calls shot gun with front seat with mom" Oh Gosh, Thank god for kevin. "Me!" Leon shouts. Leon and Luxury runs out of my room. "Don't go outside yet!" Kevin shouts. 

"Dad needs to watch his fucking mouth around my kids" Kevin comes to my side. "It's okay Ash, they won't find out" I look up at him as the tears come strolling down my face. "yeah but, if Leon catches onto it, he's going to tell his sister, and those to are like two peas in a pod" 

My heart beats rapidly as Kevin takes me into his embrace as I break down. "I don't know what to do kev"  I cry. "At one point in our lives we don't know what to do sweetheart, it's okay" 

We landed in Italy safely and are now headed to my old house. "Gosh, it's been so long since I've been here" I whisper to myself as Kevin drives. The kids are knocked out in the back seat. The car comes to a stop at my house. 

I take a deep breath before opening the door. "Well at least it's not dusty and full of cobwebs" Kevin says as he carries both children on each of his shoulders. "Yeah. You can put them in one of the guest bedrooms. Just go down that hall" I point. 

He nods. I make myself to the backyard as I stare at the pool. That day we spent at the pool is one of my favourite memories of him. He was smiling so freely and laughing.  I miss his laugh. I miss running my hands through his hair, I miss his smell. 

I miss him. 

"You okay?" I hear Kevin's voice. "Yeah, just memories" I say still not looking at him. "Of him?" I nod my head, not trusting my voice enough to answer. The tears were stinging the back of my eyes and were dying to be released. 

"Why don't you go call your parents and I can go make something for us to eat" He suggests and I nod my head. He walks away and I take my phone from my pocket. I call my mom. "Hey mom, where at the house now, we'll soon be over" 

"Yeah, no problem, call me when your leaving out" She says. "It might be later cause the twins are sleeping so we'll leave when the wake up" I say. She hums. "Okay, see you later, honey" 

I hang up the phone and place it back in my pocket. I walk back into the house and see a confused look on Kevin's face. "What's up?" I ask. "I don't know why I thought there would be food here, but there nothing to eat. I think we might have to order pizza" He says and chuckle. 

Two updates in a day. I kind of feel proud of myself. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. If I update later tonight don't be surprised., I'm bored. 

But they're back in Italy, what do you thinks gonna happen? 

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