Out with Ivanov: Chapter 24

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After Ashlyn and Adamo left

I knock on Ashlyn's Door waiting for her to answer it. I had just called her but it went straight to voicemail and that's unlike Ashlyn to do that. I knock again and still no answer. I see a employee of the hotel and I stop her. "Hi, I'm looking for my daughter, have you seen her, she's 5'7 with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes" I say. "Yeah I think I did. She left with a man. They had a little argument I think but they left together in a car"

I nod my head furrowing my eyebrows. "Did she get in willingly?" I ask. She tilts her head and and moved her left hand side to side. "I would say no but she didn't fight back. When he pushed her in the car she seemed pretty calm and not frightened or scared" I think she's okay. She's definitely okay. Adamo wouldn't hurt her. Right? He loves her. I think. I don't know.

"Thanks" I say to the woman and walk off towards my room. I open the door then close it behind me. As I walk in the kitchen I see Luke by the stove with his back turned to me. I walk over to him with a smile on my face. I wrap my arms around his waist hugging him causing him to chuckle. He turns in my arms and looks down on me picking my chin up with his fingers. "Hey baby" he smiles. "Hi" he pulls my face up and gives me a kiss.

"Where were you? I got out of the shower and you weren't there"

"Well I was looking for our eldest daughter but turns out she went out with Ivanov" I say. His eyebrow shoots up. "What? Where?!" Why is he overreacting. "Relax, I'm sure they just went out to talk things over. She's been ignoring him ever since she got back" he scoffs rolling his eyes. "Yeah, but what if he took her out to go meet his father" he says now sounding angry.

I didn't mean for him to get angry I just wanted to let him know what was going on. I share everything with him. He's been my husband for 22 years now and I never keep anything from him. "He wouldn't do that" I say. "Yea he would!" He shouts. "Ivanov has been my enemy since I was a teenager and now he has a son and guess what, the apple doesn't fall far from the fucking tree. So I'm sorry for overreacting if my daughter is with my enemies son"

I scoff at him and roll my eyes walking away from him. "Your being a fucking ass, you know that right? I hope you have fun sleeping on the damn couch tonight"



I pick her up causing her to wrap her legs around me and my walk over to the door and push her back against it. "I've been wanting to fuck you against a door since forever" she smirks at me. "Prove it" she says as she grabs my cock and aligns it. She looks at me pleadingly, and I'm tempted to tease her, to withhold what she wants, but I can't. I'm too desperate for her. I can't do it.

I push into her and Ashlyn moans wrapping her arms around my neck. I place my hands on her hips and pull out making her sigh only for me to thrust back into her hard. Her moans are like music to my ear, especially when I'm the cause of it. She brings her lips down to mine capturing them and sealing her beautiful moans.

I fuck her hard, rotating my hips against her the way she likes it. "You want to come all over my cock, don't you?"
She moans in response. Fuck, how can someone look so beautiful. The way she looks at me, with desperation and lust warring in her eyes. I love this woman with my whole fucking heart.

Her pussy starts to clench around my cock and I know she's on the edge just waiting to fall off. I increase my pace. I fuck her harder, keeping her at an angle that makes my cock brush against her clit every time I push back into her. "Oh fuck, Gosh!" She shouts. "Don't stop, don't stop, don't fucking stop!" She screams as she moves her hips to the same rhythm as mine. "Trust me Darling, I'm not going to stop until we both come" With that sentence it doesn't take her long until her pussy clenches around my clock tightly and her closing her eyes tightly giving her, her release and carrying me right behind her.

She breathes heavily as she opens her eyes making eye contact with me. We stay like that for a moment with my cock buried deep inside her and she staring into my eyes. "I'm falling in love with you Adamo, and it fucking scares me"

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