I care: Chapter 17

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1 Hour before 


I sit on my bed as I listen to my best-friend babble about how she's missing me and all that shit and how my parents are devastated that I'm not talking to them. 

My parents are smart, they should have already figured that part out on their own. I mean like who does that to their child. Wipe their memory. Wipe one of the best parts of my life away. From what my flashbacks show, I was as happy as a puppy spending time with Adamo. 

But the question is. When am I going to confront them about this? Should I even tell them that I found out? Probably not. Probably give them the cold shoulder? I don't know what to do. Gosh this is so confusing to me. 

"......Yeah and all that-" "Umm can I call you back later Le, I gotta go" I say cutting her off from her sentence. "Are you sure?I just think that you need someone to talk to right now, you don't seem like your in your right mind right now" She says and I roll my eyes.

Why does she have to care so much? Can't she just leave me alone for once. Gosh. I sigh. "I'm okay Lia! Just leave me be for once in your goddamn life, will ya" I spit at her before hanging up the phone. 

I throw down the phone on the bed and plant my head in my pillow before screaming. The pillow muffles it. Why do I feel so goddamn broken? It feels like someone jammed a knife in my heart and twisted it before taking it out. 

"C'mon Ashlyn, we gotta go now!" Mom yells from beside Dad. I don't wanna go. I wanna stay with Adam. I don't wanna leave. Not now, not ever. I don't. "But Mom, i wanna stay" I plead.

"I don't care Ashlyn, get your ass over here now" Dad's voice boom. Oh gosh, not now Dad. "It's okay D, you can go" Adam whispers to me. "It's okay. I'll find you again, I promise you" 

I turn to him as a tear rolls down my cheeks.  This is the last time I will ever see him and I'm not ready to leave, not yet, not ever. 

"But-but I don't wanna leave you" He wipes the tear before kissing my cheek. "You're not leaving me, Darling, this  is just a see you later, okay? Don't think of it as leaving, okay" He says 

"Ashlyn Haley Henderson, if you don't get here this instant I will punish you" Dad roars. 

I have to go. I have to go. I have to go. I have to go. I have to go. I have to go. Is what I want to say to him but I can't. The words won't leave my lips. They won't. I turn around to leave but he holds me by my forearm and I stop. 

"I love you" Is what he whispers before he let go of my arm. I run over to my parents and they both have a scowl on their faces, we make our way to the car and my vision went blurry as I heard gunshots and the squeaking of car tires coming our way.

I lifted my face from my pillow and it was wet. Soaked with my tears. Tears that I never thought would come. What was the point of wiping my memory Dad? What was it? Gosh, you have no idea what I'm going through. 

Did he ever think about the  side effects of wiping my memory? I doubt it. 

I need a shower, I stink. I got from my bed and my body was aching all over. Fuck that, I needed a bath. I need to soothe my body and try to forget about my problems. 

Oh my complicated problems. 

I scratch my hair and move it from my face before heading into the bathroom. I close the door behind me and make sure to lock it with the lock and go over to the bathtub and lean over to turn on the faucette letting it fill the tub with water. 

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