Adamo being Adamo: Chapter 38

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Before I could get on the plane my phone starts ringing lighting up Ashlyn's name. A smile creeps up on my lips as I answer the video call. "Hey, I haven't got on the plane yet, is there anything you need?" She shuffles a bit then Luxury comes in view.

"Hey Daddy! I just wanted to tell you to have a good flight" she's smiles and her accent audible. My heart warms. Her smile is as beautiful as her mom's.

"Thanks baby, now didn't I put you to sleep before I left?" I ask. She squirms hiding from the camera with a little giggle. Mi smile grows more. "Yeah but I hear when you leave and I came to mommy's woom"

"Ok, let me talk to mommy. How bout you go back to sleep"

"Ok bye Daddy" i laugh. "Bye Lee" I say and I hear her jump off the bed with her tiny feet tapping disappear. "Is Leon up as well?" She shakes her head.

"Why aren't you talking?" I laugh. Her face reddens as she shakes her head again. "Your si cute when your flustered. God, I just wish I were there. I would give you so many kisses you'd get tired of me, though that's not quite impossible" I get a giggle from her.

"Your so fucking stunning Ashlyn and I love you" I inhale. "I love you so fucking much my heart hurts when I'm not near you. These past two and a half years have been a living hell for me. Not being with you has been hell Ashlyn, you have no idea. I'm surprised I'm even standing properly"

"Just last year I got shot in the leg and chest after taking down the Irish Mafia prince. I got two shots on the right side of my chest and one in my leg. I was so tempted to jump out in danger again even after not being fully healed. Just because I thought life wasn't worth living without you in it. I'm so glad I stayed strong long enough to meet my children and to finally see the love of my life again"


"Why the he'll weren't you here from yesterday? I've calling you all damn day and you never picked up" My assistant shouts at me.

I rise from my seat looking down at him. "Have you forgotten your place here? Don't ever!" He flinches "Raise your fucking voice at me again and you'd wish you never existed" He looks at me with fear filled eyes as he steps back from and puts his hands behind his back.

"Мне искренне жаль, сэр, это больше не повторится" I nod at him. "Now get out of my office and come back when you actually have something useful" He nods with a yes sir before exiting my office.

These people need to know that I don't play around and to know there place in this.

I go back to my desk when my office door opens, it's obviously my sister. She's the only one that enters my office without knocking. "What do you want from me now Ezra?"

She walks over to my desk and leans over it."That's actually surprising, I don't want anything today. Whatever that's not why I came here. I haven't seen you in two days where were you?"

"I went for some stuff in Italy" just to think about it, I left the documents that I initially went there for. "Yeah? Cause when I asked you assistant he said you came back empty handed and a bad temper"

"That's a lie, I came back in a fantastic mood he just got on my nerves" She laughs. Just then my phone that's on the desk starts ringing. I pick it up and put up a finger to Ezra to give me a minute.

I turn my back to her and answer the phone. "Hey, what's up, missing me already?" She laughs a short laugh. "No that's not it. The twins are throwing a Tantrum cause your not here, I don't know what to do they've never done this before. I told them that you might not be coming back until a week or so and they just started throwing a fit" the pain in her voice is evident.

"Put the phone on speaker" I say. "Okay it's on speaker phone"

"Leon, Luxury, what you are doing is not good. You cannot be throwing a fit when you don't get your way, I get you miss Daddy but you'll just have to wait until I come visit again. I told you guys I'll be there when you need me. And I meant it when I said it. You can ask mommy to call me at anytime you want. Anytime of the day I'll answer. I'll pick up every call. I will never miss a call okay?"

I hear sniffling before both answers. "Okay Daddy"
"Okay now go and play I'll see you later when I call" I say.

"Thanks, I don't know what I would have done if I didn't call you" I smile. "You can't do without me" I can just imagine her rolling her eyes. "Mine those eyes of yours fall out" I say and she laughs. "Well I gotta go Daddy princess, I got our kids to take care of"

"Okay Darling, I'll see you in an hour when I call" I say. She hums then hang up the phone. I turn back around with a smile on my face. I almost fly out of my seat when I see my sister still standing at my desk.

Shit I forgot she was here. She heard my whole conversation with Ashlyn. Fuck me.

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