Three Rules: Chapter 8

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She kissed me. On my lips. Just like I had imagined she tasted like strawberries. I'm shocked to say the least but never would I think that she would make the move to kiss my first. We've been sitting here for a few minutes just looking in each other's eyes not saying a word to each other.

 But I don't think I can go any longer without hearing her voice. I've gone way longer without her voice once and I don't want it happening again. 

"I guess I do have an effect on you" I say and she instantly let go of my hand with a huff. "You just and to ruin the mood didn't you" She says and rolls her eyes. She folds her arm and looks away from my direction. 

"Look at me La mi Ape" (My Bee) I say but she doesn't budge and continue her stare at the cars passing by. I stand from my seat and go behind her. I look at her neck and that's when I notice a tatoo that says 'I know I'm a bitch, you don't have to tell me' in Italian. 

I ignore it and put my head in the crook of her neck causing her to tense up at the sudden contact. "Look at me please Ape" (Bee) I say and she turns taking head from her neck but we are inches from each other. 

"What does this mean?" I ask. She lightly pushes me away but I grab her waist holding her still. "It means nothing Nemico" (Enemy) She says as she looks in my eyes. Her eyes show no emotion as if she had a switch that could lock them off in a second. 

Why is she all of a sudden like this. Just 10 minutes ago she had lust in her eyes.She's so confusing. "Why are you hiding your emotions for me?" I ask and she shakes her head. 

"I have no emotion for you Adamo, I never did" She says as she slowly takes her lip in between her teeth I mentally roll my eyes. "Then why the hell did you kiss me?" I ask and she smirks. 

"I did that to catch you off guard and beat you. I didn't do it cause I like you Adamo" 

I tighten my grip on her waist and she softly whimpers as her head falls forward. "Fanculo Ashlyn" (Fuck) I look up and I see that night was falling. It was starting to get dark. 

She lifts up her head and meets my gaze. Before I could realize she had a knife to my neck. How the hell did she do that without me realizing? She angled the blade to my neck and I felt a drip blood crawling down my neck. 

"I want you to stay the fuck away from me Adamo. Your'e my enemy and this isn't gonna work. I fucking hate you for hurting my family and for hurting me. You have done enough damage to my family and I will not have you hurt me once again. So with that I have Three Rules" She says and I could see how really hurt she was for what my father had done. 

Three Rules? Rules for what? 

"Three Rules it's that simple" She says 

I'm not very good at following rules to be honest. "Okay, what are they?" I ask and she takes the knife from my neck before speaking. "The first Rule is; Don't come near my house. I don't want you near my family, my friends I don't want you to think that we are friends or love buddies" She finishes and takes my hand off her waist. 

"Ash- " Before I could finish she had cut me off. "Let me finish Adamo. The second Rule is; I don't want you touching me. Any intimate touching and I'll fucking end you" She says. She looks serious but still hot as ever. 

"The third and final Rule is pretty easy to do, Don't tell anyone about us" She says but I don't get time to talk before she pulls me in with my shirt and smashes her lips on mine. I close my eyes and I put my hand up to put on her neck but she smacks it away. 

I pull away from her and give her a confused look. "Why'd you do that for?" I ask "Just so you know, not because I'm kissing you that means I hate you any less" She says with a smirk on her lips before connecting them with mine. 

She didn't even answer my question. 


"Do not call me. I will do it my fucking self" She says before getting out of my car and slamming the door. Hard. "That's my car you know" I shout at her. "I don't care" She shouts back and enters her house. 

I start my engine and speed off to park my car around the corner. She still doesn't know that I literally live right beside her. How funny. I park my car a few blocks from my house and walk back. 

As I step foot in my house I reach for my phone in my pocket and dial my family group chat. My brother was the first to join followed by my sister and mother. "What's up?" Ezra asks "Did you get any information from the Henderson's" My mom asks 

"Well Luke Henderson and his family hates me guts deep but I think I'm getting somewhere with their eldest" I say as I make my way to the kitchen. "OOOh where getting somewhere" My brother joins in. 

"She gave me these Three Rules that don't make absolutely no sense to me" I say. I open the fridge and take out a bottle of water. I place the phone on the counter. "So are you gonna tell us or what?" Ezra asks causing me to chuckle. 

"She said something about that I'm not supposed to go near her family, that I'm not suppose to touch her and to not tell anyone about us. Whatever that means." Before I could continue my family all say 'wait' in unison.

"Did something happen between you guys?" Ezra asks. I gulp down some water. "No" I say trying not to make it obvious. "Yes, something did happen. Did you guys kiss, have sex?" She asks all her questions. 

I roll my eyes. "He's ignoring us see some-" Before she could finish I cut her off by hanging up the phone. They know I have attachment issues and they're gonna put 2 and 2 together to get 4 and I can't have that right now. 


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