Ashlyn's Cravings: Chapter 46

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"Babe" I hear a whisper, I turn on my side but the whisper turns to a call. "Idiot, wake up" I try to open my eyes but the side also is just shining in my fucking face.

I rub my eyes and sit up seeing Ashlyn beside me. She smiles nervously at me. "Yes Darling?"
"Umm I want pizza" she says. I groan and look over to the alarm clock. It's 3:25 am. "It's 3 in the morning Baby, you really think any pizza place would be open?" I question as I get out of bed.

I head into the bathroom and start splashing water on my face. "Well if there isn't  you could make the pizza" I hear her voice coming closer. I wipe off my face and look in her direction. She was leaning against the wall, with her belly exposed.

"I love you and our kids so much it's so hard to say jo to you" I kiss her lips. I try to pull away but she grips onto my neck. Deepening the kiss my hand Roaming around her back. She pulls away gasping for air. "Your so hot shirtless" I smile. I bend and kiss her belly. "Daddy's gonna make pizza for you okay?"

I stand and take Ashlyn's hand pulling her out the bathroom and head towards the kitchen.

"Ok you just sit right here and look beautiful" I kiss her cheek. "While I make your pizza" she smiles and leans against the counter. I make my way to the oven then preheated it. I then go in the pantry and take out the needed ingredients.

Flour, Tomato sauce, Baking powder, butter, cheese, sweet peppers, pepperoni, salt etc. We have pepperoni on hand cause this is not the first time Ashlyn's been craving pizza, so I make sure to have some in the house.

She takes out her phone and focuses on that. I put all the ingredients on the counter then go for a bowl and start on the dough for the pizza. When I got out the pin yo roll the pizza, Ashlyn sat up from her seat and came round to me.

"What are you doing?" She ignores me and takes the pin from my hand. She places it to the side and goes over the sink to wash her hands. "I want a heart pizza" she says before picking up the dough. She shakes and shapes the dough till it's some-what presentable to be called a heart.

I chuckle at her failed attempt of putting sad face on the middle of the heart. "Ok time for toppings!" She says excitingly. "I want cheese, pepperoni, sweet peppers and do we have chips? I think I want potato chips on it" she says. My face scrunches.

"You ant potato chips on your pizza" I say as I statement. She nods her head. "Mmh" I roll my eyes with a chuckle and go in the pantry for a bag of family sized lays. She saquéalas in happiness then grabs the bag from me. She opens it and takes a few out of the bag and put it in her mouth.

She moans and her eyes close from satisfaction. "Gosh that's some good potato chip" she says with her mouth full. I smile at her then kiss her. "I love you so much" she nods then points to the pizza telling me to continue. Of course how could I forget.

I added the tomato sauce to the dough then I sprinkle some cheese on the pizza and then my beautiful fiancée insisted on more. After ddi g more I sliced up the sweet pepper, then added those, then the pepperoni and then we were ready to put the pizza in the oven.

After the pizza was finished so sliced it up to Ashlyn's liking and she jumped in her chair with excitement as I approached her with the pizza. "Gosh, it smells so good, have I told you how much I love you" I smile and make my way behind her. "Idk, maybe you can show me" I pepper small kisses down her neck to her shoulder as she squirms under my touch.

Her skin is so soft and flawless. She smells so good. So intoxicating. I could be buried in her for all eternity and wouldn't die tired of the feeling. I love this woman with my whole corrupted heart.

"I-I" she couldn't form a sentence ad I slip the string of the night gown down her shoulder. Her head tilt back at the sensation followed by a soft whimper. "Why do you alway do this to me?" She graves the back of my neck pulling me down capturing my lips on hers.

She tastes so good. Mine.

Her mouth moves against mine, hungrily and fast, devouring me. I didn't know she wanted me that bad. She pulls away, trying to catch her breath. Her skin flushed and cheeks red. Even in the darkness I can clearly see how flustered she is.

"Are you okay, Bee?" She inhaled then exhales. "Nope. I want pizza but I also want you, I need you, it's been too fucking long Adamo" she takes up a piece of pizza and stuffs it in her mouth.

"This is so stressing" she says with a stuffed mouth. "Gosh, imagine how you feel. You haven't came in so long. You've been satisfying me through this whole pregnancy that you haven't stopped to think about you. I didn't  have a problem having sex in my early pregnancy, Adamo"  she sighs and puts another slice of pizza in her mouth.

She starts sniffling and that's when I realized she started crying. "I failed you as a fiancée, Adamo. I couldn't, I" I took her in my arms and walked over to the couch then sitting down with her sitting on my lap.

"It's okay, Darling. I'm okay. I chose not to touch you, I wanted to give you space after what happened with the twins. I didn't want us to rush into be having sex while our kids could be out there being tortured by our enemies or worse. I'm okay, Ashlyn and I'm just happy that your able to feel good. I feel good if your feeling good. You don't need to worry about me"

She clutches to my neck and sniffles. "Thank you for the pizza" she says bad I chuckle. "Your welcome, Darling"

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