According to plan: Chapter 19

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Did I fuck up?

Do I care?

"Where the fuck is it Ace?" Mom calls from the living room. Gosh I bearly even got in the house and she is already starting with her fuckery. "You better go now" Sam smirks at me. "Did you really get it though?" He questions

I look at him with an annoyed look. Is he blind? It's in my fucking hand. I'm not even gonna answer him.

On our way to the living room to Mom we see Ezra running down the stairs to me. I smile. She wraps her arms around my neck and lift her spinning her around. "Adamo!" She squeals. "Hey sis" I say and place her back down on the floor.

"Your back, Oh my gosh I have missed you" She smiles. "Yeah, I've missed you too" I say then ruffle her hair which causes her to pout. "Okay I think you should probably get to mom before she starts with know" She says and I nod.

I start walking and she starts pushing from my back which causes me to smile. I really missed my siblings. I'm just happy that I'm back with them to be honest.

"I've got what you want Mom" I say as I approach the figure sitting on the couch typing away on her phone. I bet that's what she does on a daily basis. She looks up from her phone and look at me. She smiles and puts down her phone then stands up. I'm way taller than my mother by far even if she's in heels.

She holds out her hand and I place the folder in her hand. "Gosh I've been waiting way too fucking long for this" She sighs in relief. "Now" She says in a serious voice. "Your gonna go back and act as if nothing happened"

"And don't fuck up the plan" She says which makes my chuckle. Me? Fuck up? That's very unlikely. "It's going according to plan, Mom" I say. She rests her left hand on my cheek and smiles. "That's my boy" I groan.

I'm not a boy.

My family has been staying in Italy since before Dad disappeared. It's just been about two years ago since we decided to trick the Hendersons to help us with finding my Dad. I also meant it when I say I am going to kill her the minute we find my father. Well that's if he beats me to it.

I might like her but that doesn't change the fact that her father killed my uncle or the fact that I hate their guts.

3 Hours Later........

She's not home. Her lights are off and she's not answering her phone. I throw down the phone after another failed call and rub my hand against my forehead. Gosh! Where the hell could she be?

I decided to just make my way to her parents house and see if she's there even though it's a risk at this moment. But she's someone I would take a risk for. I pull up to the Henderson's mansion and get out the car slamming the door behind me.

Shit. Her car isn't here. Maybe they know where she went. I try to go in the house but the guards stop me. "What?" I ask frustrated. "We have strict orders from the Boss not to let you in" The guard says. I roll my eyes. "Well, tell your 'Boss' that I'm here to see him.

He sighs and brings his hand up to his ear. "Boss, Ivanov is here to see you" he says. "Yes sir" "Okay sir" He lowers his hand and looks over at me. "Your not aloud inside" He says and that's when I lose my fucking shit. Why doesn't he come out here and tell me his damn self.

I elbowed the guard I was just talking to and the rest start to come after me. Well this is going to be interesting. After snapping the last guard's neck that's when Henderson and his wife decides to show up. Took them long enough.

"Where the fuck is Ashlyn?!" I ask. He looks at me confused then looks at his Wife. What the fuck is going on? "Is no one gonna tell me what's going on or am I gonna have to snap a few more necks!?" He looks at me. "I don't know where she is. She said she was going to your place but we haven't heard anything from her since"


No, shit! This can't happen. Not now, fuck!

I take my phone from out of my pocket and dial her number. Once again it goes straight to voicemail.

"Fuck!" I shout. I run my hands through my hair as I try to think of somewhere she might have gone. But I have nothing. My mind is completely blank. Blank as a fucking white paper.

"Gosh why can't I think of anything"

"Why do you even care w about her so much?" I hear Mrs. Henderson's voice.

I sigh and straighten myself. "What makes you think that? I could care less about her I just want to know where she is that's all"


"Oh if that's so how about you leave bad let my husband and I find her. How about that" She smiles

What the hell am I gonna do? We can't find her anywhere and I'm fucking freaking out. My heart hurts.


Why does it hurt? Gosh. I start hyperventilating and that's when I realize how I'm sweating like a fucking pig. Before I knew it my eyes turn blurry as everything around me starts spinning.

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