Not saved: Chapter 27

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Incase they're watching me; I need to act as if I don't have help. "Call" is what you say to activate the earbud, so i just need a sentence that include it. Umm....shit. okay. "Adamo, I'm not fucking playing! Come get me you fucking coward or I swear when I get out of here you're going to want to call your dead ex-girlfriend to come contain me."

I say the word "Call" loud enough so the earbud can be activated. It makes a noise basically telling me that its activated. After a while of waiting for someone to recognize, I hear my fathers panicked voice. "Ashlyn? Fuck. Where the hell have you been?"

I sigh in relief. I can't talk or the Ivano's are going to know. Before I have time to say something again a door from the far-right corner opens as the figure of a body is shown. That's not Adamo. The person approaches me, and I instantly recognize him. He's Adamo's brother, Samuel.

"Unlike my brother dearest I am not going to flunk out on torturing you" he smirks "How could he? right?" he asks as if I'm going to answer him. He carries a toolbox in his hand as he places t on the table with a loud crash.

He chuckles darkly and turn his back to me as he opens the toolbox looking for something. "It's kind of funny that my brother fell in love with you, you know. Don't get me wrong, you are amazingly beautiful but come one," he laughs. "Your enemy? how dumb can he be right." Yeah. I am pretty dumb aren't I.

He turns around, now with a wrench in his hand and a smirk still spread across his lips.

"Ashlyn, we're tracking yo-y
He starts breaking up before the line just goes dead. I roll my eyes and Samuel seems to see it. "Am I boring you?" He questions.

I sigh. "You kind of are" I say in a duh tone. "Can we just get to the torturing and get this over with already" he chuckles. "Straight forward" he clicks his tongue. "I like it" I roll my eyes at him. He is annoying the fuck out of me right now. 

He lunges forward slapping the wrench on the side of my face. Did he just dislocate my jaw. Fucking Bitch! I try to reach out and touch my face but then remember my hands are chained.  fucking hate my life. He smiles. "Where's that smart mouth of yours? Cat caught your tongue?" The ignorant ass Asks. 

He takes my face in his hand and starts squeezing it causing me to cry out. He twists my jaw putting it back in place and I sigh. "I wonder what would happen if I did that a couple more times? Maybe your little lover boy will come save you before you die, who knows." 

"I don't want Adamo anywhere near me. You keep that fucker to yourself." I tell him. He roughly let's go of my face and I hiss in pain. He backs away a little more before smashing the wrench in my face again. Before I could react, he hits me again but on the other side of my face. 

Fuck, fuck, fuck. He turns his back and walk over back to the toolbox. After searching in the box for the perfect torture weapon for me he turns around with an Electric drill. 

An electric drill!!

"I'm gonna have so much fun doing this" He smirks. I swallow hard. Where the hell is he going to put that? "You have no one to save you" 

A/N: This is the most you're going to get from me right now cause I still need to think of some ideas and what not. but I will be posting next week. hopefully. 

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