When will you be here: Chapter 39

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"Who was that on the phone?" She questions with a cheeky smile. "A friend" She laughs then proceeds to sit on my desk. "You and I both know you have no friends, I'm probably your only friend which is just sad. But not the point. Point is"

She stops and smiles so bright I think it hurts her mouth. "Is that Ashlyn? I haven't talked to her in a while so I'm not that sure since you did mention something about kids and being a mom. Cause like when I call her she doesn't mention anything about kids so I'm kinda confused. Are you a Dad? Am I an Aunt? Oh my gosh Am I an aunt!!"

I sigh. "Yes Ezra you're an Aunt" I slump into my chair and my hand goes to my temple. I'm not sure if Ashlyn wanted to tell anyone yet. God she's gonna kill me. ебать (fuck)

"I wasn't supposed to know, wasn't I" I look up at her and shake my head. "I haven't really discussed that with her yet" I say. "Wait, so is it Ashlyn?" She asks. I chuckle. "Yes Ezra it's Ashlyn"

She stutters. "Wait h-ho what. How is that even possible. Haven't you guys not seen each other for almost three years?"

"Well, we did have sex a few hours before we kidnapped her" I smile remembering her flushed cheeks as I pressed her against the door of the cabin. I remember every detail as if it was yesterday.

"Your such a bad boyfriend" she points at me. "I am not plus we weren't even dating and we still aren't" I say.

"When are you gonna look for 'em again?" "It depends on how much work I have to do" she jumps off my desk and sit in the chair that is there. "How bout I help. I've watched you long enough to know what to do so I can be a good help, trust me"

I hesitate first but nod at her and she smiles in triumphant.



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After finishing Luxury's hair I get both twins dressed then put down some cartoons for them to watch while I get ready

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After finishing Luxury's hair I get both twins dressed then put down some cartoons for them to watch while I get ready. I'm done with skincare and a little makeup it's just my dress that's the problem. I can't fucking reach the zipper.

"Gosh!" "Kevin! Can you come help me please" my door busts open and a frightened look on Kev's face. "Fuck you scared the shit out of me" I scrunch my face. "Sorry"

I turn my back to him. "Can you pull up mi zipper please I can't reach it" I hear his footsteps approach me and soon his warm hands come in contact with my back as he pulls up my zipper. As he takes his hands from the zipper he comes closer to the point I feel his front against my back. His hands lay on the top my hips.

His head goes to the crook of my neck as he inhales my scent. "Fuck" he whispers to himself before he pulls away. I hear my door close and that's when I turn around. Why does he always do that?

"Come one guys we gotta go, tell Kevin bye" I say as I take both twins in both hands, one on either side of me. They wave bye to Kevin and he smiles saying a 'bye' also. We're just going to Mom and Dad's house but we might be staying a while.


"Is that Daddy?" Leon whispers at the bedside. I nod and he happily jumps in my bed. "Hey Daddy" he waves at the phone. Adamo's face lights up as he waves back. "Hey son, whats up?" He shakes his head with a smile, his big blue eyes shining with happiness.

They've been calling Adamo 24/7 non stop. I'm surprised Adamo isn't tired of them. Even when he knows they're asleep he calls just to "check in one me" or whatever. We are back in London and Adamo hates the fact that I'm living with Kevin but he hasn't teleported here to decapitate him yet so I guess that's a good sign.

"What are you doing up so late, aren't you supposed to be asleep?" He questions. Leon giggles and shakes his head. "What do you mean be? You are supposed to be asleep" Adamo says in a playful voice. It's crazy how a man who was ready to kill me just three years ago is now the father of my children. The man that is baby talking my son. It's crazy how they can change. In a good way.

"Okay that's rough talking for tonight Leon, go to bed." I say. He says bye to his father before coming off my bed and running out if the room closing the door behind him.

Looking around in Adamo's camera I realize that he is now outside. I realized when he first called but I just thought he was talking a walk or something. We've been on the call for two hours now.

"What are you doing outside?" I ask. He looks at the camera and stick his tongue out to wet his lips. "Open your front door, I'm waiting Darling"

I jump out of bed leaving the phone on the bed. "No way he's outside right now" I say aloud.

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