Breaking The Rules: Chapter 11

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"If I was to trail my hand up your legs and slip my fingers in your panties, how would you be?" I ask against her lips. "Your breaking rules 1 and 2" She says. I could care less about her stupid rules right now.

I pull away from her and I watch as her chest heaves up and down. My hands start to trail up her legs causing her to shiver from my touch. "Would you be soaked?" I whisper against her neck. I started trailing kisses down her neck and to her collarbone.

My fingers eventually reach her entrance and that's when I found out how fucking wet she was for me. "Fuck" I groaned as my head fall in the crook of her neck. "Adamo we-we can't" She breaths out.

"Oh trust me Darling, we can" I say

Ashlyn's POV:

He picks me up and my feet immediately wrap around his body. My back came in contact with my mattress as my eyes trail up to meet Adamo's. They were filled with lust as he looked down at me and God does he look sexy as fuck.

"Condom" He says and I point over to the night tables beside the bed. I hate this man so fucking much yet I'm gonna let him fuck me? What the hell is going on? He pushes up my dress revealing my black laced panties and his eyes close as he groaned.

He leaned down connecting our lips in a kiss as he fights for dominance. I gasped as I heard the fabric of my panties being torn. He did not just tear my panties. "Surprised?" He smirks as he leans up and tears the square packet with his teeth. He spreads my legs open as he stares down at me.

"Just so you know Adamo, not because I'm gonna let you fuck me and have your way with me doesn't mean I wont kill you and your father" I say. He smirks at me and unzips his pants pulling down and completely taking them off. My eyes go wide as I see his dick.

That would fit perfectly in my mouth

He placed the condom over his dick then lined himself up to my pussy. "Oh Darling, it's cute that you think you're gonna kill me but just a heads up, remember we're always a step ahead of you" He says before shoving himself deep in me.

My body slumped down in the bed as I groaned. "fuck" He was stretching me the fuck out. How the hell am I gonna take him. "You're gonna take all of me, every" thrust. "Single" thrust. "Inch" He thrusts once again. He pulls out and slams back in me causing me to moan loudly.

So loud I was surprised by it that I had covered my mouth with my hand. "Don't cover your mouth Darling, I want to hear those sweet moans of yours" He says as he takes my hand from my mouth and pins them both over my head.

He started moving and I closed my eyes tightly as I took him all. He had no mercy on me as he thrusts into me hard and fast filling the room with our moans and groans. My eyes slowly open and he was already staring at me.

We stared into each other's eyes as if we were in love but we both knew better as his eyes never leaving mine. My boobs bounce up rapidly from the speed he was going.

"Oh fuck me!" I cried out as I felt him going even deeper. "Slow down" I say as my eyes begin to close once again. "You're gonna fucking take it" How much more of him am I gonna be able to take?

This is fucking insane. I open my eyes and I take my hand from his grip as I put it at his lower abdomen as a sign to slow down but he was not having it. He gave me a death glare. He took my hand and pinned it back above my head. "Keep it there" He growls.

"I don't take instructions from you" I say through gritted teeth. "Oh Darling I don't think this is the time for you to be giving my attitude don't you think" he says and I had no time to react when he had flipped me over putting me on all fours.

My ass in the air and my face planted in a pillow. He slapped my ass and he started slamming in me non-stop. "Futtuto inferno!" I screamed. "Adamo" I moaned as my hold on the sheets became tighter.

He grabbed a hand full of my hair bringing my head up. The sound of our sweaty bodies meeting each other was echoing throughout the room. "Yes, yes, yes"

"That's how you like it huh?" He says and I knew he was smirking. "You look so fucking sexy as you take my dick in your tight hole. Watching it go in and out of you" He groans. "So fucking good"

"Fuck, Adamo I'm gonna cum" I scream, He chuckles as he speeds up. Fuck, fuck. I'm gonna cum from my enemies dick. Fuck. And the thought of that turns me the fuck on. "Yes, your cum around my cock deep in you over and over again" He makes one last thrust in me and that was good enough for me to come undone.

A loud moan left my lips as I slumped down in the bed.

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