It can't be him: Chapter 48

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"Ashlyn, please you gotta understand" I shake my head. "No! I don't understand. Do you know how mad I am? Do you know how mad Adamo will be? Fuck!" A scream pierced my ears. "We've gotta get to the hospital. She's having the baby" Samuel's voice was calm despite the fact that Adamo could show up out of no where and end his life. I'm not sure why Adamo let him walk free but I sure as hell know he's gonna be pissed when he finds out what up.

"Get her in the car. Where's the hospital bag?" He points in the closet and I make my way over while he gets Kaliyah out the room. They've been together for two years. Two years!! And no one knew about it. How could I have not known. Mom and Dad are gonna freak out.

Kal nor Samuel either have a car of their own so I guess that's why She called me.


I'm worried. Ashlyn hasn't texted me to tell me that she has reached safely. I know I'm being paranoid but I just can't shake the feeling of her in some kind of trouble.

She's just 5 minutes away in sure she reached safely. Just to be sure I'm gonna call her. I strut to our bed and took up my phone typing her number and calling.

It took a while for her to answer but she did. "Hey baby" I hear her say but the zooming cars passing by in the back ground increases the speed of my heart rate.

"Are you okay? Are you with Kal?" I ask. "Yeah, yeah. I'll call you back okay? I have to umm help Kal with something. Bye!" And with that she hung up.

What the heck is going on?

I can't leave. What the hell am I supposed to do?

Fuck it, I'm going" I gather the stuff I need for the trips and put them in the car. I got their seats ready and went in the house for them.

I know I shouldn't be doing this but there's something up and Ashlyn doesn't want to tell me what's going on. I take up Anora first then Aaron and then Ayden. They're all still sound asleep so I won't have to deal with them crying.

They love car rides so they should stay asleep the whole drive to Kal's house. I start up the engine and speed to Kal's house.

When I reach the house and turn of the engine a take my phone from my pocket calling, Ashlyn. I can't believe after all we've been through she still chooses to lie to me.

She doesn't answer the phone and I get even more worried. Did something happ-

No we're not going there. "Gosh, Ashlyn where the hell are you?" I ring her again but she doesn't answer. I choose to ring her parents to give them the trips wile I go on my way to find her.

They happily agreed to keeping the trips and I told them that Ashlyn and I wanted a few hours together but they don't even know that I don't know where she is. I ring Kaliyah's phone and the phone  answers not it isn't Kal. "Adamo? What's going on? Are the triplets okay?"

"The triplet's are great, Ashlyn I just want to know where the hell you are cause your sure as hell NOT at Kal's house. Where. are. you?" I hear her sigh over the phone. She mutes the call  then un mutes it a few minutes later. "I'm at the hospital"

"What?!" I interject. "You didn't let me finish, Adamo, Christ. I'm at the hospital with Kal. She's in labour and I'm just here as support. She didn't want me telling you because of who her baby's Dad is"

Why would I care who Kal's baby Daddy is? "I'm coming there now" I say but she stops me. "No! Stay with the triplets, we're fine" What the yell is going on? I hang up the phone before she could protest any further.

In 10 minutes I'm walking into the hospital asking where Kaliyah Henderson's room is. I'm told where and I make my way to her room. Were they not going to tell any of us about the baby? Because their parents seem oblivious to her having a baby.

I hear footsteps going back and forth as I draw closer to Kaliyah's room. Ashlyn. She didn't see me. She was too busy wrapped in her head stick in one spot breathing hard. "Fuck" she curses before taking her phone from her back pocket.

She types in something before the sound of calling fills the hall. My phone starts ringing and she Yelp turning around to me. I take my phone from my pocket hanging up her call. "Fuck, you startled me"

"Gosh, no, Adamo your not supposed to be here" she says starting to approach me. "Why? What's going on?" She shakes her head. "It's not my secret to tell but I don't think she wants you finding out this way so I think it's best you leave"

"Ashlyn" I freeze as I hear the voice of my brother. It can't be.

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