The Return: Chapter 2

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"Zola come" I say

She barks before running my way. "Drop it"

She whines. "Drop. it"

She drops my lipstick and sits. I pat her head. "Good girl. Now go and play somewhere else" I say and she runs out of my room.

I pick up the lipstick and wipe it off with a wipe and place it on my table where the rest of my lipsticks are.

I take up my lip gloss and my phone starts ringing. I put down the lip gloss before picking up my phone and look at the caller ID. Oh my gosh. She's calling! I mentally squeal.

It was my bestfriend- Liana AKA Nut

I answer the phone and put it on speaker. "Hey pea" She say

"Hey nut," I answer as I place my phone on my table. "So about the return party for Kaliyah tonight, what are you wearing?" She asks

I look over at my dress that's by my window but my eyes trail over to what's beyond the window.

There was someone there. There is someone in the house beside my house. When did he move in? The houses here, only the richest of richest could buy them and this is the first in a long time I've seen someone move in.

My whole family obviously lives in the neighborhood so we could see each other frequently.

He was taking off his shirt as his muscular arms and body showed. The things he could do with that body of his. He had black hair but I coudnt identify his face as he was turned side ways. He seemed to have a sharp jawline from his side profile.

He was now shirtless. He turned his back to me and I could see all the muscle in his back.

I see his hand going to the rim of his shorts and I make no move to turning away from him. It's like he was a magnet pulling me in. Straining me not to look away.

His shorts drop from his body and that's when my head was flung around quickly now hearing my bestfriend calling out to me.

"Umm, earth to Ashlyn!" Lia calls out. I was snapped out of my daze as my chest heaved up and down.

Just looking at his body is intimidating to me.

"Sorry, something just....uhh caught my eye" I say

"Well that something must be very mesmarising if you looked at it for that long. It really caught your eye" She says and I could just hear the smirk. I didn't even have to see her to know that.

Lia and I have been bestfriends since we were little kids. It made sense that we became bestfriends being that our mothers were bestfriends. I'm not sure on how my mother met Aunty Aria but I'm glad she did or I woudn't have this amazing friend on the call right now.

"So. about your dress. What are you wearing?" She asks once again but my mind is not here at the moment.

It's focused on the now naked guy next door as I zone out.


I pick up my curling iron and plug it in leaving it to heat up. After it was ready I picked it up and start getting to work.

I'm done with my hair now and it's time to put on my dress. I run my hand through my blonde hair with a sigh.

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