Months: Chapter 45

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"What? I don't understand" she sobs. I take her in my arms wrapping them around her small frame. "They should be here, they should be here" she starts fighting again my chest but I hold her tighter. "They should be here, Adamo" she says softer this time.

But her sobs only grew more. Her parents approach us with pity in their eyes. I pick her up in my arms and she clings to me. I walk her back to the car and place her in the front seat, putting on her seat belt.

We got to our location but was lead to a dead end. They must have found the trackers and took them out. How the hell are we supposed to find them now. I sent my most trusted guards to look at the base but they had already packed up and left.

There was no trace of the Irish Mafia. Or my kids. I got in the drivers seat and leaned my head back on the seat. I look over to Ashlyn. She was curled up in a ball still sobbing.


"No!!" I'm jolted out of my bed by the scream of Ashlyn. "No please, please don't take them!" She thrashes in the bed. I sit up and try to wake her up by shaking her. But she doesn't. Oh gosh. This has been happening ever since the twins went missing and it's hell to wake her up at night. But the worst part is she cant be having night mares.

It'll put stress on her and endanger the triplets. I get out of the bed as her screams bounce off of the walls. I sigh before taking  her in my arms and she instantly relaxes in my arms.  Her eyes flutter open but I bet she can bearly see since it's only the moon illuminating our room.

"It was so horrible, Adamo. I can't take it anymore" she cries burying her face in my chest. I hold her tight to my chest as a tear finds it way down my face. "I am so sorry, Ashlyn. I never meant for any of this to happen" I sniffle. I take us back to the bed and lay her on my lap. She puts her hands around my neck to hold herself up.

She looks up at me, with teared filled eyes. "It wasn't your fault, Adamo" but that doesn't stop me from feeling like it was. Does it? I sighed. I laid her down on her back and stood over her so her feet are between mine. I lift up her silky night blouse and begin my massage on her belly.

Since we found out she was pregnant, when she had one of her night mares I would rub her stomach and she would fall asleep in minutes and not have anymore for the rest of the night. It was currently 3:15 am. I glance at the clock.

"I miss them so much Adamo" she says softly then reaches up to her face to wipe a tear. "I miss them too Darling" she sniffles. "I just have this feeling that they might be scared but they're alive. I don't think they killed them" my hand movements stop. "I believe you" she looks down at me and smiles.


We're a lot happier than we were five months ago. We aren't number 10 happy but I guess we kinda are like number 6 happy. We have three little angles that could come at any moment and we are ready. We will protect these kids with our lives. I will never let harm get them.

"Hey babe, can i get like, Umm shrimp?" I stand from the couch putting my phone in my pocket. "Yeah sure" I said but was cut off by her stopping me. "But that's not it. There was this place in London that had killer shrimp and it was so good" she moans. "Like it was so good and that's the exact one that I want. I don't think your gonna be able to get it" she says.

"Darling, if I could I would" I say then kiss the top of her head. "Well then peanut butter sandwich will do good then" she says with her smile. I haven't seen her smile reach her eyes in so long. But I guess these smiles would do just fine. As long as she's happy.

I head to the kitchen. I take the peanut butter from the cupboard and the bread then put it on the counter. Ashlyn and I are now engaged. I asked her two months ago. I really didn't want to ask her while we were in the situation we were in but it's best we move on than stay in the past. Though we still haven't stop looked for our twins. We have people out still looking for them. We haven't given up on then, and I don't think we never will.

Surprisingly she said yes. It had been a private proposal. I didn't want the pressure of people watching to think that I was forcing her. After she said we just laid in bed and cuddled each other, just loving the feeling of being with each other. We haven't had sex since the incident and I'm not going to force her to have sex if she doesn't want to. She's gotten horny a lot during her pregnancy but as far as we ever gotten was me eating her out or fingering her. But never sex.

I finish the sand which and go back to the living room where my fiancée is. "Aww thank you" she pouts. I kiss her pout and place the plate in her hand. She deepens the kiss pushing herself as far as she can on me. She places the plate on the counter. Her fists tighten on my shirt and she moans. "I don't even care about the damn sandwich right now, all I want is you" she says then takes my shirt in her hands pulling me up the stairs.

A chuckle leave my lips then I smile. I love this woman so much.



I am sorry. This was not what I planned but the Henderson's never have just a simple life, do they?

One of you wanted Ashlyn to be pregnant, so here it is, hoped you like the chapter,


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