Ashlyn Henderson: Chapter 1

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All the years I lived with my parents I saw how they really love each other.

They love each other so much they would literally risk their lives for each other, which they have done before.

Once or twice, Maybe.

I wanted what my parents have but apparently not everything you want you can have.

I learned that when my ex cheated on me. I caught him and he couldn't deny it. I saw everything. I had cameras on him everywhere because my parents didn't trust him so I took the chance cause there's no way my boyfriend would cheat on me. Right?

Fast forward. I found out he cheated. I killed him then burned him. Burning him was not a part of my plan but something in me just kept saying 'burn it, burn it' at first I thought I was really going crazy but when I did the voices stopped and I felt relief.

That's when I got the name 'Ashes'. My grandma gave it to me. I swear Alexia is the best Grandma there is. No offence Grandma Lia, I love you too.

She also gave the best advice. "Never trust anyone Ash. It's the people you least expect will stab you in the back."

When Dad gave the Mafia over to me it was a breeze because I would always help him out on missions sometimes. It also gave us time to bond more. We've always had a great bond with each other since I was smaller. Mom always called me 'daddy's girl'. I hated when she called me that even though it was true.

After the incident with my ex the voices kept coming back. So when I killed they would have to be burned. I realised it about three weeks after I had burned my ex. I was on a mission with Dad. After we had just finished slaughtering a large amount of people when the voice in my head kept whispering, 'Burn it. Burn it'. I tried blocking it out of my head but it was just not working out for me.

Dad was not pleased with it but I had to or the voices wouldn't stop. Since then I've never stopped.

At work I might be a cold hearted person but when I'm home around my family I'll say that I'm nice...partly but I love my family and I would do anything for them. Though they are just hard to get along with, especially my siblings.

Right now I'm hunting down one of Dad's enemy's that disappeared around 5 years ago.

I know he's not dead. I know it but one day he just disappeared.

He almost killed Mom before I was born according to Dad and he came after us when I was  about 12 years old. I can never forget that day. He had injured Caity that day and I've wanted to kill him from that moment on.

His name is Alexander De'Luca he's married to Eliana Ivanov. He took her last name because he didn't want to be found as easily. We aren't sure if they have children as we have never heard anything about any children.

It doesn't matter how hard we search on them we can't find anything about them having children. It does get frustrating. But I will find them and when I do I will end them.

"Ashlyn! I've been calling your dumbass for- fuck!

I cut him off taking his hand in mine and twisting it.

"Don't put your hand in my face. How many times am I gonna tell you that" I growl at my brother.

He holds his hand in pain flashing it. A scowl was planted at his face as he tries to flash away the pain which wasn't going anywhere any time soon.

"I was just telling you that Dad is here you dumb fuck" he spat.

"Where is he?" I ask

"In the living room"

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