I cant breathe: Chapter 44

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It was the day of us moving out of Kevin's place. We just got off the plane and we told the kids to go get something to eat over at the restaurant in the airport. They didn't want the food in the plane. They are very picky eaters. Adamo takes my hand in his as he shouts orders after orders to the workers telling them to be careful with the bags.

They loaded all the bags into the car and Adamo turns and look at me. He brings our connected hands to his lips pressing a kiss on my hand. I started to blush. "Gosh, he's got you blushing and all" I hear my sister say causing me to hide my face in his neck and he chuckled. We sent a bodyguard with the twins so they should be fine but I'm getting hungry, I think I want something from the restaurant.

I look up at Adamo. "I think I'm hungry" he takes his phone from out his pocket and dials a number. The number goes to voicemail and he try's again. Still it goes to voicemail. He frowns. "What's wrong?" I ask. "It's nothing Darling it's fine" he says he let go of my hand and walks away.

Something's up. A few minutes later he comes running back, sweat dripping down his face and his shirt sticking to him showing his magnificent body. Not the time Ashlyn.

I hurriedly come out of the car, meeting him half way. "What's wrong?" He breaths in. "Ashlyn, I am so sorry, I-I didn't mean to" he exhaled and I swear I saw a tear.

Ashley, and the rest of my family members were now gathered around us wondering what had happened. "They took the twins" it's as if my whole world just stopped. My head started spinning as I repeat what he says over and over in my head. Just the sentence haunting me. They took my kids. How? What?



"I don't want 'I don't knows' I want my kids!" I hear Adamo shout as I begin to wake up. I hear the sound of him hanging up and sighing really loudly. "God, this is all my fault" I open my eyes and see him laying his head on the bed. I take my hand up and take my fingers through his hair. He instantly got up pulling me into him.

"I'm sorry, Darling I really am. I didn't mean to put our children in danger, I-I swore that I was going to always be there but I wasn't and they got kidnapped" he sobs in my neck. Just hearing him say the words made this even more real. I thought maybe this was just a nightmare but I don't think it is anymore. My children are really gone.

I continue to rake my hands through his hair while also laying kisses on him. He pulls away and I wipe his tear. "It's not your fault Baby, you couldn't have known that they would be taken, no one suspected it. I would have never blamed you. And plus, we will be getting them back. We will get them back" I say the last sentence as if to convince myself.

He sits up from the crook of my neck and looks at me with red teary eyes. He might have just known the twins for just a few weeks but he's loves them unconditionally.

"Do you know who took them?" I question. He wipes his eyes and sits up, now going into focus mode. "The bodyguard that I sent them with is working for the Irish Mafia. I'm not sure how I never realized that he was dirty, but he's been working for me for the past 3 years. When he got the chance he just took them"

I sit up in the bed. "When the twins were born my Dad said it would be good if we put trackers inside their bodies" Adamo stands up instantly flaring with Anger. "What?!" I roll my eyes. "Sit back down idiot" he sits back down with a huff and I just fight the urge to smile. "It means we can track where they are and get back our children" I say

His mouth makes and 'o' shape. "Sorry I lashed out like that but, he did that without consent" I shrug. "Well not really, I did agree to it. If anything ever happened to my children I knew that I could easily find them with the tracker"

He stands and throws me over his shoulder effortlessly. "Well then, Darling let's go get our kids. They chose the wrong couple to mess with"


"No, Ashlyn and I are taking them ourselves. You guys can stay in the van for back up but we are getting our kids ourselves" Adamo commanded. My parents sigh. I shake my head at them to not argue and my mom nods in understanding.

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