People you know: Chapter 26

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"It's about goddamn time you showed up"

With a confused face she places her gun in her waist band. "Adamo, what the hell are you doing here, and is that your father?" He had blacked out from about 10 minutes ago. Couldn't bare the pain he was feeling and blacked out. I really don't care.

"Yeah. Why did you take so long I thought he said to meet here at 8" I glance at my watch. "It's now 8:46" she rolls her eyes. "Well I'm sorry asshole I was in the middle of taking care of something" she walks pass me and goes over to my father.

"Jesus Christ, did you knock him out?" She asks inspecting him. "Well not really, I did beat him up pretty badly and he blacked out a few minutes ago" she turns around flinging a fist into my face. I groan in pain as I hold my face in my hand. I look up at her and she has a satisfied grin on her face. "What the fuck did you do that for?"

She shrugs "I just wanted to punch you. I wanted to be the one to do this" she says showing me my busted up father. I chuckle. "I see" I smile.

"Okay, we need to get him somewhere else cause we don't want anyone coming here and see us" But just as she says that my mother and brother enter into the shed.

Ashlyn quickly stands in front of my father. "You shouldn't be in here, please leave" she says. "Oh Darling, we aren't leaving without you and my father" I say. I'm sorry to betray her like this but it has to be done.

Ashlyn's POV

Why the fuck does my head hurt so bad? My blurry eyes flutter open as I take in my surroundings. Where am I? The last thing I remember was.........bring with Adamo at the beach front.

Fuck! I should have known he was up to something, why the hell did I trust him? He knew he was going to do this.

Around me was pavemented walls. The room was only lit by a little lamp over to the corner of the room on a small side table. My wrist were covered by hand cuffs but not my feet. They might come in handy later on.

There not really a lot in this room to look at. From what I can see and hear though, we might be underground. I can hear faint sounds of cars passing and horns being blown. And from my body temperature, it's pretty cold down here.

I look at my chained arms and sigh. Gosh, how the hell am I gonna get out of here.


I forgot I had my ear piece in.

"Hey uncle Luke" Kevin says leaning against the door. My father looks up from the paperwork in his hands and as he makes eye contact with Kevin it's as if he's seen a ghost.

"Kevin?" My father questions. Out of annoyance I roll my eyes. I don't even know why. "Yeah, yeah family reunion or whatever but why the hell are you here" I ask Kevin. He furrows his eyebrows to the point where they almost meet. "I'm here to stop you from doing something bloody stupid, if you ask me"

"Wait, what is he talking about Ashlyn?" My Dad ask coming up infront of me. Gosh can't these people keep their mouths shut? "Nothing Dad, Kevin's just lost his mind on the second floor" I say gritting my teeth at Kevin. He only smirks and folds his arms.

"Your daughter here was going to try and eliminate Ivanov on her own" he says looking into my eyes intensely as if challenging me. I could feel my hatred for this guy building and it was building pretty damn fast. If he's not careful he might not wake up tomorrow.

"Ashlyn. Is this true?" I roll my eyes. "Yes Dad it's true but I was only doing it for the sake of our family, I didn't want you guys getting involved in it, plus I know what I'm going to do"

"Your not going out there in your own young lady" Kevin only smirks and I glare. "Dad. I'm not a chil anymore. I'm a big ass grown up. I can fight my own damn battles"

"Yet this is not just your battle, is it?" Kevin chimes in. "Take your self out of this" he chuckles deeply before booping me on the nose. What the fuck?!

"It's your family's battle. Yes? And so if you don't want any of them to follow you I suggest you carry a ear piece with you so we know where you are and we can also here what's happening. You cannot fight this Ashlyn. It's one way or another" Kevin explains. My father nods in agreement as I roll my eyes.

"Roll your eyes one more time and I bet the might fall out" he snickers. "I hate peoples you know" I tell Dad.

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