Matching :Chapter 43

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He slammed me down on the bed and I moaned at the intensity of it. "Adamo the kids are just down the hall" I say as he makes his way to the upper part of my body. "Well you better keep it down then, Darling" he then commanded my mouth to open up for him as he pushed his tongue in and tasted every part he could of me.

He didn't just kiss me, he consumed me, he devoured me. I moaned in his kiss when I felt his hand start trailing down my stomach to my panties. He pulls away from the kiss and stands up.

My chest heaves up and down as I stare at a shirtless Adamo. "Is that a new Tattoo?" I point out on his chest. He looks at the tattoo and smiles. "It means 'My Darling'" It was in Russian, of course I knew what it meant. It was located on the left side of his chest right on his heart. I smile up at him then take off my dress. I then turn around so he can see my back.

"His Darling" was tattooed in Italian under a heart right above my ass. I got it right after the twins turned one. I also got a tattoo with their birth date on my left arm. "I love you even more, baby" I feel my body leave the bed as he scoops me up from it. A squeal leave my lips but is gone when he presses his to mine.

"I love you so fucking much" he breaths out. "But now I'm gonna fuck you like I hate you" I giggle as he throws me back on the bed and grab both of my legs ripping them from each other giving him a full view of my pussy.

He uses his thumb to rub at my clit while two fingers enter me. I arch my back with a moan breaking free from me. I haven't had sex in over two years. It feels so good to be filled again. Especially since it's with Adamo. My lip is between my teeth before another moan is ripped from me.

"Gosh!" He comes up placing kisses along my neck, sucking at my sweet spots then going to my lips taking them in. "God, I love you so fucking much" Adamo groans biting my lip. My orgasm started building up as he quicken his hand pace but right before I could hit my high he pulled out his fingers. I exhale sulking down into the bed and glare at Adamo.

"I was just about to come" I whine. He smile and kisses my lips. He got up and stood in-front if me, towering over me, looking like a gud with his abs showing. Little sweat trickling down his center. He starts unbuckling his belt when we hear a noise from downstairs. He immediately stops his movements and out his finger to his lips telling me to be quiet.

I complied and stayed still on the bed. He walked over to my door, unopened it and went out leaving the door ajar. When he came back he closed the door with the lock and took his belt out of his pants. "It was just Kevin getting water" he says grabbing both my legs and pulls me down to the edge of the bed getting a yelp out of me.

I chuckle. "Did he go back to his room or......Adamo nods and use his thumb to start rubbing adult my clit. I hissed from the sensation. My clit was still sensitive from what Adamo was doing previously but he did it care. He vigorously did it until I was a moaning mess ready to come undone by him.

When my eyes opened back he was fully naked and ready for my pussy to be devoured by him. I gulped just remembering how he was. He smirked at me. He looked at me as if asking for permission. "Are you ready darling?" He questions and I nod.

"I don't want a nod Ashlyn, I need you to say it" he growls. "You- I didn't get to finish my sentence before he was deep into my pussy. A loud moan left my lips which were just followed by way more as he continued to fuck me hard.

I bit my wrist trying to muffle my sounds but it was no use. The kids are gonna hear us. Leon sleeps through anything but I can't say the same for Luxury. Adamo angles himself a different way so his dick is curved inside me so it's hitting my G-spot.

"Fuck,fuck, fuck, Adamo" he was hitting all the right places with the right pace and it was amazing sending me over the edge with a loud moan. He stopped his movements climaxing himself with a deep groan. "Fuck" he pulled out of me and I exhale catching my breath.

Fuck. I instantly sat up looking into Adamo's eyes. "We didn't use a condom" age only smiles down at me. "No! Don't smile Adamo, I don't want another kid right now" i out my feet up to my body hugging them. "I can bearly take care if the twins in my own"

He takes my face in his hand. "Your not alone. You have me. Plus we Can get you a morning after pill tomorrow" I sigh and look away from him. I was so caught up in finally having sex with him I totally forgot about protection. I knew both of us were clean so that was not a problem to worry about at least.

He kissed my four head. "C'mon, let's get some sleep, My Bee"

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