Secret out: Chapter 5

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Ashlyn's POV:

I know doing this is wrong and Dad would literally freak out if he found out about this but I'm only doing this for my family and them only. I could care less about anyone else. I really don't think I want to tell them about the plan between Adamo and me.

The Ivanovs have cause enough pain in our family already, I can't let anything happen again.

"So about this 'plan' that you have, how's it gonna work?" I ask as I stare at the Ivanov in front of me.

"Like I said before, my family and I have been looking for him for a long time and have not succeeded. My family are trying their best but you are our only hope at this moment. Trust me if I didn't need you I woudn't be here right now, Darling" He says

"Stop calling me Darling, that's not my name" I say. It's starting to get to me.

"Oh I'm sorry, would you rather I call you Babe?" He asks and I roll my eyes at him. He's so fucking annoying. How the hell am I even gonna be around him?

"So when am I meeting your famous family?" I ask "Aren't they here?" I finish

"I didn't take you for the worrying type Darling" he says

"Oh I could care less about them being okay or not I just wanna know so I could probably slit their throats in their sleep and then burned them" I say "Best plan isn't it" I say with a smirk.

I could see him slowly getting mad at me but I could care less about that right now.

"They had one damn job" he say s

"Well it's not my fault your family doesn't work together" I mumble. He looks at me confused "What'd you just say?" He asks

"I said, it's not my fault your family don't know how to work with each other or you would have found you dead beat Dad" I know I didn't say the last part but I just want to get on his nerves.

He takes a gun from his waist band and stand holding it at me. "Don't talk about my family" He says

"Maybe when they lay the fuck off mine, until then I'll talk about anyone I want" I say as I stand taking up my gun to show this mother fucker I'm not playing.

" If you pull that trigger I think you might want to start planning your funeral" I say

"Don't worry Darling, I'm not planning on killing you any time soon" He says as he lower his gun.

I lower my gun and put it on safe. I make my way to my stairs before saying. "If in the next minute I get down here and your'e still here I'm putting a bullet in your head" I say and make my way up the stairs and to my room.


I lied. I can't keep this a secret from them. It's been only 5 hours and it's eating me from the inside. I already told them to meet me at the main mansion so I could tell them 'something'.

They obviously have no clue as to what I am calling them for but I think it'll be worth it. Right?

I put on a black crop top, a black rip jeans, a black leather jacket a necklace and a few rings.

I say bye to Zola before going out the front door

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I say bye to Zola before going out the front door.

"Do you wanna know what I had to do to get your father to calm down?" Mom asks

I just walked into the mansion and was met with my mother who was at the mansion door. "Not really, No" I say shaking my head.

"We had sex. Thrice. And you know your fa-

"Oh gosh Mom, please don't finish that sentence" I say as I hold the bridge of my nose with my head down.

"Okay, whatever lets go in so you can announce whatever" She say sas she takes a hold of my arm pulling me until we reach the meeting room.

I took a seat at the top head of the table while Dad sits at the buttom head of the table if you get what I mean while mom sits beside him on the right.

"Okay what'd you call us here for, I have better things to do" Christian says.

I was just about to talk you dibshit, why can't he just wait like evreyone else. Jeez.

"For your information Christian what I was gonna announce is gonna fix all out problems" I say

"Can it fix the fact that I want to rail someone right now. Does your announcement help with that?"

"Well if you want to rail a man then go ahead" I say standing from my cahir feeling the anger build up in me. "If you don't want to be here Christian just leave" I say

"Okay guys just calm down" Uncle Eric says. I sit down and sigh.

"I found someone that can help us find Ivanov" I say and everyone looks at me wide eyed.

"And where have this person been all this time?" Liam asks

"It doesn't matter right now, all that matters is that he's here now and he can help us" I say

"What's his name?" Dad asks

I sigh loudly before answering. I'm so gonna regret this decision.

"It's...... Adamo Ivanov, and before you say anything. H eis willing to help us and I am willing to help him. We both want to kill his father and two is defenitley better than one"

Dad holds the bridge of his nose as his head lays low.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck.

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