My Kevin :Chapter 31

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"Ashlyn?" I hear his voice and i almost break down in tears. "You aren't supposed to be contacting me. Your Dad will fucking kill me" he whispers to himself.

"Ashlyn? Are you there?"

"Hey, babe when are we leaving?" I hear a woman's voice in the background. I didn't wait a second before hanging up. I made a mistake calling him. I shouldn't have done that.

Of course he moved on. Why would he not?

I should have known.

"Ashlyn, did you take your medication?" Kevin asks as he unscrew his water bottle before putting it at his mouth. "Hey you okay?" He asks as he walks over to me. He sits on the couch with me and put down his water before picking me up putting me to straddle him.

My hands lay on his chest as he questions me again. "Are you okay Ashlyn?"

"I called Adamo" I say. He sits up. "You did what?"

"I know, I know, it was a stupid idea and I regret it, I know I wasn't supposed to and I did anyway" he sigh sand rubs his four-head with his hand. "Gosh Ashlyn you're so stubborn"

"Hey Ashlyn ha- Oh shit" I turned my head around to Lia. She was standing in the hallway with her hands covering her face. I roll my eyes. It's not like we were doing anything nasty.

I get up off of Kevin and sit down on the couch. Kevin clears his throat, takes up his water then leaves the kitchen. Lia takes her hands from her face and skips over to me with a smile. "Sooooo, you and kevin huh?"

"There's nothing going on between me and Kevin were just really good friends" She nods her head. "Uh-huh" She says with a smirk. I get up off the couch. "I've got to take my medications" I say.

"Yeah, run away from the topic Ashlyn"

"Technically I'm walking"

Minutes turn into hours. 

Hours turn into days. 

Days turn into weeks.

I hadn't heard back from Adamo and I'd like to keep it that way. I don't want anything to do with him right now.

My room door opens and Kevin walks in. "You should knock you know" I say as I get back to my makeup. Kevin was taking me shopping.

"I'm cancelling going shopping" he says ignoring my statement. I stop what I'm doing and look at him. "Why" i ask. "I haven't left your damn house for almost three months and the one time I actually can leave your cancelling?"

"It's just that.....your father says you can't go out that" he says pointing at me. "Looking like what Kevin?" He fully comes in my room and closes the door. "Your bump is showing, you can't be going out looking like that. You know you showing your belly can literally start a fucking war"

I roll my eyes. My belly us not big. It's just my bump coming in. "I'm not wearing this dumbass" I was in a crop top and a shorts. "I'll probably wear a hoodie or something" I say. He sighs. "Fine I'll tell your father then"

"Why are you even talking to my Dad about our whereabouts?" I ask. "Because I work for him and anything he ask, I must tell" he says and I chuckle. "So if he asks if we've been intimate with each other, are you gonna tell him?"

He sighs and draws his hand over his face for a quick moment. "Yes Ashlyn, I would tell him if he'd asked"

All we have done together is kiss. Nothing more and I don't plan on going any further either.

"Ok whatever, get out of my room" I say and he takes a moment before turning around and leaving. I sigh and lay my head on the desk. "Fucking Adam, I hate you"

After we got to the mall I ran to the baby store. "Ashlyn you can't go in there!" Kevin calls out but I ignore him. As I stroll the isles I see Kevin approaching me.

"You can't be seen in a baby store" he says and I look at him. "Who the heck is even watching me? Where in London for fucks sake. Did they really come this far just to see me? How flattering" I force a smile at the end.

"The whole point is you being here overall is dangerous, we need to go now Ashlyn" he orders. "Now Ashlyn!" He growls at me. I roll my eyes before walking pass him and to the exit.

"Fucking dick head" I mumble. "Call mi all the names you want sweetheart, I don't care" he shrugs before taking my hand in his. "Ok what do you want first?" He questions.

We got ice-cream and a few things from bath and body works. "I feel for shrimp" I say. "Aren't you tired of shrimp? You've been eating shrimp since you came here" he says. I look down at my tummy. "It's what my darling wants" I say and he smiles. "Ok then let's go get you some shrimp" he kisses the top of my head.

"So you don't think people seeing me with you is dangerous?" I ask with my shrimp filled mouth. He reaches over and wipes something from my lips before putting in his. "No i don't think so, no" he says getting back to his food as if he hadn't done anything and I could feel my face heat up.

I nod still flabbergasted. "Do you like me?" I ask and I think I caught him off guard cause he stills before looking up at me. He licks his lips. "I think your a great person Ashlyn and your great to hang around" he says and I roll my eyes.

"Well I know that but I mean as in, in an intimate way" just them I see his jaw clench. "Yes Ashlyn, I do like you but I'm not doing anything because I know the situation your in" he says.

"Well you did kiss me" I smile. "Well you were kinda asking for it and plus I couldn't keep myself from those luscious lips any longer" he says and I could feel my cheeks grow red.

"Your so beautiful when your flustered" I hide my face with my hand and he laughs.

I never actually think he was gonna tell me straight up like that. I look up at him when I feel my cheeks subside. "Well your a great person too Kevin" I say laughing. "Wow I tell you I like you and I'm a great person" he laughs.

"You did more than that, kev"

"C'mon I think it's time we go home now" he says standing from the chair opposite of me. I smile and stand from the chair. I wipe my fingers and throw away the napkin.

After we got home we watched a movie and went to bed. In separarte rooms obvi. As my eyes were closing my phone started ringing.

It was an unknown number but I was so sleepy I didn't really care who it was so I answered. "Hey Ashlyn, it's Ezra. Adamo's sister"

I was a bout to hang up when her voice sounds again. "Wait! Don't hang up. Please Ashlyn"

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