Christmas with Ivanov (Part 2) Chapter 7

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He stops the car at an Ice- cream store and I look over at him confused. "Why are we here?" I ask

He puts the car in park and draws the hand-break before looking over at me and chuckles a little. "What do you do at an Ice-cream store? Eat Ice-cream. Right?" I roll my eyes at him.

I open the door, taking up my purse and exiting the car closing the door behind me. He meets me at the front of the car then starts walking towards the shop. I follow him with the roll of my eyes and hope I get to go home soon.

This asshole is gonna be the fucking death of me. When I heard what he said to the employee at the store I mentally stab him a few times.

He said. "Buon Natale, lo e mia ragazza laggiu vogliamo un paio de gelati quindi prepara un piatto ma due cuccihiai" (My girlfriend over there and I, we want a couple Ice-cream so make it one dish with two spoons. He says and the girl looks over my way.

What the fuck is wrong with this asshole. She nods to him and leaves. He looks over at me and mouthed 'fuck you' and the piece of shit smiled. I turn my back to him and walk out of the store. I see a bench with a table outside of the store and I make my way to it taking a seat.

I take my phone out of my purse and I see I got a text from my best-friend. I tap on the message. I know your out with Ivanov by the way. It reads and lightly gasp. How did you know and don't tell my parents I text back. There was a ping, but before I could read it the sound of the bell from the door to the store rings telling that someone opened the door.

Looking up I see the one and only Adamo Ivanov with a bowl of Ice-cream and two spoons with a grin on his face.

"Wipe that fucking grin off your face" I say and he goes over to the other bench that is linked with the table in front of mine. If that makes any fucking sense coming out of my fucked up brain.

He places the bowl of Ice-cream on the table and place the spoons in it. One on my side and one on his side. "Do any of this shit have nuts in it?" I ask "It can have my nuts in it" He smirks. "No, I don't think I would like that Adam" I say with a straight face. "No it doesn't have any nuts in it" He answers my question

He takes up the spoon and get s a little Ice- cream on it. "So, about this morning. I said I had a few locations think my father might be" He say sand I nod taking a little of the Ice-cream. I actually love these flavours mixed. It tasted like it had, maybe, Chocolate chip, Coconut, and the Coffee Oreo is way too strong to miss it.

"What are the locations?" I ask

"Okay so far I have, Brazil, Barbados, India, Australia, London, Taiwan, Nigeria, Germany, Turkey, Argentina, Nepal-

Before he could list anymore I stopped him. "Did you even look at all?" I ask and he looks at me as if I have two heads. "Of course I have, what do you think I've been doing for the last 4 years" He says

I flung my hands in the air. "Oh I don't know, maybe sitting on your as watching porn and jerking off to it all day cause I have looked at every place you just said and your so called father wasn't there" I say

He looks at me unbelievably. "I don't need to jerk off to porn Bee I can get any girl I want by just looking at them" He says

"I don't think so, I don't see it working on me" I say and he does that thing with his tongue and smirks. "Don't worry Bee it'll soon kick in" He says

"You know what how about we try it right now" I say and he look sat me to see what I'm saying. "Go on" he says

"Any girl that walks by here we're gonna see if she flirts with you or gives you her number when I call her over" I say and he smirks. "Okay then" He says and I take another spoon of Ice-cream getting some Coffee Oreo.

After a few minutes of waiting I turn around and see a girl in a purple crop top and jeans looking down at her phone while she walks. I smile and turn around to Adam. "Contestant number one" I wink at him.

I get up from my seat and head over to her putting on my best friendly smile. "Hey" I say with a smile. She looks up from her phone and gives me an awkward smile. "Hi" She says coming out like a question but I ignore it.

"Okay so my friend over there" I say and point over to Adamo was not even looking at us but on his phone. I mentally roll my eyes and get back to the girl. I should probably ask for her name. "He's umm, a little down that he doesn't have anyone to spend time with him in the Christmas season so I was wondering if you could cheer him up a bit" I say in one breath trying to sound nice.

"He's a little ugly but you should like him, he has a good personality" I shrug and sh e chuckles.

"Isn't he like your friend" she says. "Yeah" I shrug

She chuckles. "This is weird, but okay" She says and I smile. "What's your name by the way?" I ask

"Oh I'm Nessa" She says with a genuine smile. "I'm Ashlyn"

"Okay should I go now?" She asks and I nod. She starts walking over to Adamo and I follow behind her.

He looks up and makes eye contact with Nessa fluffing his hair. I then look over at Nessa and her face was as red as fucking tomato and she started biting down on her bottom lip. What the fuck?

"H-hey, I'm Nessa" She says stuttering at first. I look at her with an unbelievable look. "I'm Adamo" he says as he flashes a smile at her and her face turns more red, if that is even possible. "Can I get your number, so maybe we can, like go out some time?" She asks.

He chuckles. "Yeah sure" He says and smiles and takes out her phone. He tells her his number and she smiles turning off her phone.

Before she could leave I walk over to her side and we start walking together. "I thought you said he was ugly" She says "He's so hot, you should be so happy you get to see his gorgeous face" she says and my face turns disgusted.

"I think I might go now cause this is starting to get weird" I say and she chuckles. "Okay bye" she says as she waves at me walking away. He does have an effect on these girls. A shiver runs through me and I am now in disgust.

Adamo looks at me with a bright smile on his face and I roll my eyes at him as I take a seat in front of him. "So, I guess I do have an effect, don't I?" He says and I give him a fake smile. "Mhmm"

"Let's arm wrestle" I hear him say after a while. I've been scrolling on tiktok since the whole Nessa encounter. "Arm wrestle?" I ask

He nods. "Yeah. Let's see who's stronger? I'm obviously gonna win but imma give you a chance" He says and I chuckle at his boldness.

He does have a lot of muscle but that doesn't mean I can't beat him. I've been training my entire life.

"Yeah" i say and put my phone down on the table. I rest my right elbow on the table and so does he. "Ready?" he says. "Set" I say. "Go" he says and we have now started our wrestling.

Fuck, he's strong. But I'm stronger and I start putting down his hand but he carries it back up. He pulls down mine and I pull it back up. This is starting to annoy me. It's like we are strong the same which annoys the living shit out of me.

I smirk as an idea comes in my head. I'm gonna regret this after I really think about it but whatever.

I lean up and smash my lips on his. I take down his hand but he seems to not have noticed. He holds the back of my neck with his other hand and deepens the kiss and I let him. He slips his tongue in my mouth and takes control over my mouth as our tongues glide together.

He groans in the kiss and bites down on my bottom lip as he pulls away. My eyes are still close from shock as I try to comprehend what had just happened. His hand moves from the back of my neck and to my bottom lip rubbing his thumb over it with a slight chuckle.

I finally open my eyes and lock with his. Looking at me with lust in them. My bottom lip finds it way between my teeth and I then sit back down. I then realize that our hands are still connected from the arm wrestle.

None of us have said anything yet. Not one word.

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