Mistake: Chapter 12

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I slowly take his hand from around my waist and legit the sheets revealing my naked body. I groan left my lips.

I step off the bed and sigh as I sit. What the hell did I just do? I just had sex with Adamo fucking Ivanov. Oh Gosh. I had sex with the man I hate three times in a row.

And those three times were the best in my entire life.

Shut up! Ugh. I stand from the bed only to be pulled back down. I turn around and my lips were taken by his as he holds my throat in his hand.

I felt his hand trail down my leg as he makes way to my entrance. He tries to part my lips but I give him no entrance. Before I knew it two fingers were in me causing a gasp to leave my lips giving him entrance. He chuckles sending vibrations down below while he pumps his fingers in and out of me.

His name fell from my lips as if it was a word I would say everyday as he pumps his finger faster causing the familiar feeling to build up.

As much as I am loving this right now it cannot go on. I pull away from the kiss but he only quickens his pace. My head falls in the crook of his neck as I hold into his shoulders for dear life. One thing less to another and he was kissing and sucking on my beck as I imprinted my fingernails in him.m

He moved his thumb over my clit in circular motions and my feet automatically spread wider. "That's it Darling, spread your legs for me" he groans as he continued to twist and tune his fingers deep inside me.

I moan loudly as I felt the need of a release. I moaned his name over and over as he pleasures me. "So fucking tight, yet so fucking wet for me" he says

"Cum for me Darling" he says and my nails only dig deep in him as I release all over his fingers with a sigh.

My chest heaved up rapidly as I wrap my hand around him. His fingers came out of me leaving me empty and I hear a sucking sound before my eyes closed.

"This was a mistake and you know it" I say as I shrug my arm away from him turning my back towards him.

I turn on my phone to call my driver only to by pulled not his chest. "C'mon just one more round, Darling" he says

"No, Adam" I say leaving his embrace. "Trevor, pick me up at the main mansion" I say then hang up the phone placing it on my purse.

"You had sex with me four times....well five if you include the finger fuck I gave you this morning and I know you enjoyed every second of it" he says with a boy grin on his face.

I roll my eyes at him. "It was a mistake, it was a one time thing, it will never happen again and we will forget what happened as if it never happens at all. We start our mission tomorrow so be ready by 5:30 am" I say then walk out the door.

"So that's it we're just gonna a forget about everything?" He questions as he follows behind me.

I nod. "Yeah it's quite easy actually. Now if you don't mind I have to get to my house. When I get back don't be here" I say as I leave through the front door leaving Adamo with a shocked look on his face.

I told this asshole to be here by 5:30 and it's 5:43 now. Where the hell is he?

"Hey Ashlyn" my mom calls out to me taking me out if my thoughts. I turn my head to her. "Mom?" I answer

She signals to me to follow her and I do with a confused look on my face. She goes in a little hand out room then takes a seat on one of the couches. I stand in front of her waiting for her to talk.

I feel like I'm about to be scolded. She leans her hand on the couch and her head in her hand. "So" she smiles and I cock my head to the side. "This Adamo boy" she smiles and I roll my eyes at her.

Gosh. She just had to bring him up didn't she.

I sigh. "What about him?"  fold my arms. "What about him?" My mom asks with a surprised look. "He likes you" she says and before I could talk she shushes me with her finger causing my to let out a huff. "And you like him. Admit it Ashlyn" she says

"Mom I don't like him, I hate his guts" I say truthfully and her smile just widens. "Could have fooled me" she says raising an eyebrow. "Especially with the moaning I heard passing your r-

"Mom!" She laughs at me and gestures for me to sit beside her. "You had sex. No biggie. But men think with their dicks so he is gonna fall in love with you wether you like it or not. Probably not for the sex but for your heart or personality. Depends on what he's into" she says with her motherly smile.

"Mom we are not a couple and he's not gonna hall in love with me. This is not a fairly tail mom. Plus we've decide that it was a mistake and that we are gonna forget about it"

"Did he agree or did you just say something and he disagreed but you went along with it?" She asks and I chuckle. I point at her. "That, yeah" i say

"Honey it's fine, it's complicated, I get it" she says. "Mom you don't get it. Dad and you are like high school sweethearts we guys were meant for each other" I say and she smiles as if reminiscing her moments with Dad.

"How did you and Dad start dating anyways?" I ask. I've never asked the question before for some reason.

"It's nothing fancy. I was a very clumsy girl and loved reading at the time. I was walking to class while reading when I bumped into a chest. Bare in mind that I am short compared to your Dad's height,so imagine how short I was back then" she says and I chuckle.

"My book fell and he have it back to me. In that moment when we locked eyes for the first time I could see the amount of list that loaded there, and looking at Adamo looking at you at the party yesterday I knew he had the same little shiner in his eyes for you. And knowing your Dad I knew I had to do something so he didn't find out" she finishes.

I sigh and looked out of space going over my moms words. Adamo looks at me with list filled eyes as my mom calls 'shimer'? I doubt Adamo has any feelings for me. He just got out of a relationship. Well technically he didn't get out of one his father killed her but you know what I mean.

Plus I can't be with him. I just can't.

"Umm sort to interrupt what this is but Aham-Adam- Adamo whatever his name is, is here now" Kaliyah says.

Mom turns to her. "Yeah we'll be her give us a minute"

She stands from the couch "I'll give you minute" I nod and she leaves.

We can't be together and that's final.

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