We know :Chapter 3

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"What the fuck are you doing here? If my father ever finds out you're here your dead you know that right" I say as I fold my arms.

To be honest when I thought about finally finding an Ivanov I thought I would kill them with no questions ask but here I am having a conversation with one.

My hand haven't even reached for my knives.

"I'm here to make a deal with you" He says 

I cock my head to the side looking at him with a confused look. Just as he was about to talk my sister comes around the corner.

"Ash- Oh well shit. I'm sorry did I interrupt something?" She asks the last part with a smirk. Adamo turns around now facing my twin sister.

I roll my eyes. "No. What do you want?" I ask

"Dad's calling you" She says as she walks up to Adamo. "Who's th-" I put my hand out to stop her and give her a death stare.

She holds up her hands in defence. "Jeez you could have just said 'hes yours'" She says

"He's not mine just back the fuck away and tell Dad I'll be there" I say and she turns her back leaving without another comment.

"You have a twin!"

"Thought you did your research? Isn't that how you found me?" I say and leave without another word.

I pull out my chair and take a seat where I'm beside Caitlin. I sit and everyone was staring at me as I look around including my parents.

"So is no one gonna talk about why your all staring at me like a sex tape of me got leaked" I say as I pick up my wine glass.

"Ashley said she saw with a guy" Mom says as she cuts in her steak and I almost choked on my wine.

I place the glass back on the table. "He's no one" I say as I stare at Ashley who has a smirk on her face.

She goes to speak but I cut her off. "Don't you dare!"

She laughs and my family gives me a weird look. "Ooooh looks like Ms. Mafia finally found her man" Giavanna says stabbing her fork in the steak.

"He's not my man. I just met him" I defend myself.

"I smelled the sexual tension a mile away" Ashley says. "Even when I saw you, you were giving him lovey dovey eyes"

Oh fuck no

"Would you shut your fucking mouth already" I say slamming my hands on the table. "He's Adamo fucking Ivanov, I will never date him. Never. He's my enemy! Before you open your fucking mouth to anyone how about you think first and ask questions!" I shout getting the attention of everybody in the mansion.

Dad quickly stands from his chair "Ivanov? As in Alexander Ivanov? Why woudn't you tell me about this Ashlyn?" Dad questions

I stand from my chair and move away from the table.

Deep breaths Ashlyn. Deep breaths, Its gonna be okay

I storm out through the front door and order my driver to take me home. Tonight was supposed to be good but no my bitchy ass sister had to open her big mouth.

As I enter my room I head straight to my bathroom and took a hot shower letting out all the steam in me.

Why do they think I want a man. I don't. Plus most definitely not Adamo. I don't want a man I don't need a man I'm better off without one.

I wonder if Dad found him. If he did he's most definitely dead by now.

He said he wanted to make a deal with me. For what? Whatever it is I don't want to be involved to be honest. It might just put me and my family in danger.

I step out of the shower and pick up the towel drying my body. I put one around my hair and walk out the bathroom naked. My room is pretty high up from the rest of the houses so I should be fine. Window guy seems to have gone to bed as there is no lights on in his house.

Adamo's POV

Her light has been attracting my gaze since she got home but I can't help myself but look out my window. She was looking through her closet for clothes as she stands naked- with her back turned to me.

Her wet body glistens in the moonlight as it shines down at her as if it's her spotlight. She had a snake tattoo going up her back and "Fuck you" in Russian on the back of her neck.

My eyes then trail down her hourglass body to the lower part where I see her round ass.

So perfect

I wish I could smack that ass right ab-

Your here for a mission. Not to have sex with your enemy

I immediately snap out of mu thoughts. I take my head from the window and make my way over to light switch. I turn on the light and head over to my journal and take up my pencil.

I go over to my bed and begun drawing.

I use writing as therapy. Ever since I was younger I realised I loved writing and it just kinda became therapy I guess. I write down my feelings, what happened what day and sometimes I even draw.

Right now I'm drawing Ashlyn as she looks through the closet naked. Including her tattoos.

The scratching sound on my door disturbs me and I curse under my breath. It's my Dog. His name is Krov'.

My sister got him for my last birthday and she told me to carry him cause he would help me on my mission. Apparently Ashlyn's a Dog person and it will help me get closer to her.

I place my pencil and journal on the bed before going over to the door and opening it. A happy Krov' runs in my room and jumps on the bed as he curls up. I shake my head before closing the door and walk back over to him and sit on the bed.


I'm done with the drawing and I'm satisfied with how it turned out. As I stare at the drawing my mind drifts off to how her rose pink lips would taste on mine as my tongue invades her mouth.

As she moans my name while riding my cock-Begging me to go faster but I only go slower causing her to grind her needy pussy on me. I stand from my bed adjusting my pants and close the book putting it on the table.

I switch off the lights and make my way over to Krov'.

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