ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 24

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For my young readers... There is some- not so PG shit about to go down. You have been warned and if you're like me and you still read this shit, regardless of the warning... um- have fun, I guess.

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"I hate you" I mumbled, throwing a few more clothes into my suitcase.

"I'm not Xavier" Wyatt rolled his eyes as he flopped onto my bed.

"I know that but you also knew and you didn't tell me"

"We both know that if I had told you, Xavier would've blown my brains out" He sighed.

"What is it with everyone in this house and blowing out brains?" I groaned. "First it was Xamira and now, you"

"Princess, we have to leave now" Xavier said as he walked into my room. "You ready?"

"Does it look like I'm fucking ready?" I snapped, trying to zip my box.

"I forgot you're not a morning person" Xavier laughed as he helped me close the suitcase.

I didn't respond to his witty remark as I was too busy stuffing more clothes into my other suitcase.

"You woke the poor girl up at 5 in the morning. Even I would be upset" Wyatt laughed.

"That was only because she hadn't packed yet" Xavier countered.

"Why do you have so many boxes?" Wyatt groaned.

"Toiletries, clothes, you know... stuff I need" I answered, sitting on the suitcase while Xavier zipped it up for me.

"Besides, you're only complaining because you're going to have to carry the suitcases." I added.

"Damn, right. Do I look like a fucking donkey to you?"

"Why the fuck are you all taking so long?" Xamira asked as she walked into my room.

"Griffin is this close to leaving without us" She added, holding her thumb and pointer finger close together.

"Is that supposed to be a threat? I know the fucking way to my own parent's house" Xavier rolled his eyes.

"Calm the fuck down, we're leaving" Wyatt snapped, grabbing both of my suitcases by the handles.

"Anyone who didn't know you would think you were traveling" Xavier joked, hanging my backpack on his right shoulder.

"Shut up" I grumbled as we headed downstairs.

"Are you taking a vacation that I don't know about?" Griffin asked as we walked onto the porch.

"I told you it was a lot" Wyatt frowned as he hauled my suitcases to Griffin's car.

"I don't know what you both are talking about. If you ask me, she's under packed." Xamira shrugged.

"You're telling me your stuff is more than hers?" Wyatt asked in disbelief.

"Let's just say, we have a lot of unpacking to do when we get to the family house" Xamira smirked, getting into the passenger seat of Griffin's car. "Hurry the fuck up, we're running late"

Griffin and Wyatt unanimously rolled their eyes, sighing. Griffin joined Xamira in his car while Xavier escorted me to his, leading me to the back passenger seat as Wyatt entered the driver's seat.

"How long will it take for us to get there?" I asked Xavier, fighting back a yawn.

"Why are you worried about that? You're not the one driving" Wyatt said, looking at me through the rear view mirror as he pulled out of the driveway, following behind Griffin's car.

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