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✧⋄⋆⋅⋆ A YEAR LATER⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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"This is the don of the most powerful mafia in Italy? I was expecting a man and not a child" One of the men said, causing laughter to erupt from the rest of them in the room.

"You aren't going to say anything? What, are we that scary?" A second man spoke up.

A third person walked towards me, crouching down when he was directly in front of me. "It'd be so easy for us to kill you right now but the boss needs you alive for something"

The man moved to get up but punched the side of my face instead, a loud crunch echoing through the small room we were in.

"He didn't say anything about us roughing you up though" He laughed, slapping the side of my face before walking away.

"Still have nothing to say huh? You got a problem or something?" Someonelse asked, pushing my head from side to side.

Due to the handcuffs on my hands and legs, trapping me to the small chair I was sat on, I couldn't do anything except endure the torture.

As soon as I got out though, I'd make sure they all paid with their lives.

"Alright, dumbasses. That's enough"

Ivanov walked into the small room and the rest of his men groaned, taking turns to punch me before they left the room.

"Looks like they roughed you up quite a bit huh?" Ivanov chuckled, tilting my head up to meet his gaze.

"Fuck you" I spat.

"No offense, but I'm not into half dead mafia dons." He chuckled before landing a punch to the side of my jaw.

"I could easily kill you right now" He sighed, dragging my head up by my hair.

"But you can't" An annoying voice sounded through the room as the door opened and closed.

"What are you doing here?" Ivanov sighed.

"He wanted me to make sure you didn't kill him" She shrugged, walking over to me. "Hey Xavy"

"You heard we had Xavier and because you're still so helplessly attracted to him you decided you'd pay him a visit." Ivanov said. "You just weren't expecting to see me here, were you?"

"If you already knew all that, what was the point of asking me?" Marla sighed, her bright green hair slapping me in the face as she turned to face me.

"It's been a while since we've seen each other. Do you like the new color?" She smiled at me and I groaned.

"I'm not in the mood for this shit, Marigold," I replied.

A scowl replaced the smile that was once on her face. "It's Mila"

"That's what I said, Marcus"

"And I was starting to feel a little bad for you" She sighed, her hand caressing the side of my face. "Oh well"

She stood up straight, dusting off her clothes before moving to the door.

"Boss said he wants him in his office in seven minutes" She stopped and looked at her watch with a smile. "Well, now it's four minutes. You better hurry up if you don't want to upset him"

Ivanov rolled his eyes as he moved behind me, starting to remove the handcuffs from my hands.

"You knew that's what he wanted all along but you tell me-"

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