ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 34

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"No luck?" Kat sighed as we filed into the warehouse office, each of us slumping into the chairs.

"No, at this point we don't know where she could be" Arlo sighed and my body tensed up.

We had searched all of the 10 bases that Kat had singled out but there was still no sign of her.

"And, where are you off to?" Xamira asked as I headed to the door.

"To get some answers from our guests in the torture rooms" I replied.

"We've been trying for two days now, what makes you think they're going to say anything?" Derrick asked.

"They're going to talk even if it means making them kill each other" I spat, heading out the door.

I made my way to the torture room on the right, smiling as I saw the woman and the two guys chained to the floor. The woman on one side of the room and the men on the other.

I sighed as I dragged a chair to the corner of the room the woman was chained to, positioning the chair right in front of her.

"You still don't want to talk?" I asked her, pulling her chin and making her eyes meet mine.

"Torture me all you want but I'm not going to say shit" She spat, laughing.

"You really shouldn't say things like that, sweetheart" A voice said.

Both our heads snapped to the door where Miles, Wyatt, Jordan and Griffin stood, their arms crossed across their chests as they smiled at me.

That is, all of them except Griffin.

"You really thought we'd let you have all the fun"

Jordan smiled, grabbing a knife from the tray of equipment that laid in the middle of the room before heading to the two guys who were chained at the other end of the room.

"I'm already tired" Miles muttered, grabbing a knife as well and following behind Jordan.

"Let's just get this over with. I have Barbie to get to" Wyatt sighed, grabbing a knife.

"I thought you didn't like that show," Jordan laughed.

"When you spend time with 4 kids and a baby, you kind of have to get used to it" Wyatt sighed.

"The other guys aren't coming?" I asked them when I noticed that no one else came into the room.

"The girls said they wanted to keep looking and Wyatt's dumbass brothers were too lazy to leave the office," Miles explained, trailing the knife along one of the guys' collar bones.

"My brothers aren't dumbasses- Actually, never mind. They are" Wyatt sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Griffin said nothing as grabbed two pairs of gloves and a knife from the tray in the middle of the room before making his way over to me.

Griffin's lips pressed into a thin line as he handed me a pair of gloves and the knife.

"No longer mad I see" I said, sarcasm evident in my tone.

"I'm sorry for taking my anger out on you" He sighed. "I just... I felt really shitty that I let her get taken"

"It wasn't your fault, you know that" I said, my voice coming out muffled as I held the knife with my teeth, putting on the gloves.

"I know but I still felt fucking bad. It was like the mission with Scarlett was happening all over again" He admitted and I truly felt bad.

Griffin had lost his little sister Scarlett in a mission about 6 years ago when our parents were trying to wipe out the Ivanovs.

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