See you in the afterlife, my love

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*major character death

3rd person's POV

Giyuu pulled the sliding door open, walking over to the porch where a white haired boy sat. He sat beside his lover, leaning onto his shoulder. The latter didn't say anything, only leaning into giyuu, resting his head on top of the brunette's. They stayed like that in comfortable silence, enjoying each other's presence. The moon light shined bright and stars dotted the black sky. The air lingered with sadness, predicting what was about to come.

"Nemi, thank you for today, it was fun" giyuu spoke, breaking the silence. Sanemi smiled in response, and traced his left hand across the latter's waist. He pulled giyuu into a deeper hug, allowing Giyuu to place his full body weight onto sanemi.

"Yea sure dumbass. Happy early birthday yuu" sanemi teased, kissing giyuu's temple. Giyuu's 25 birthday would be tomorrow. The day where he would be asleep forever, leaving sanemi alone in this lonely world.

"Promise me you will be mine in our next life"
"No shit Sherlock"
"Promise me" giyuu repeated, holding up his right pinky. Sanemi smirked, and hooked his left pinky with Giyuu's.
"Of course baby" sanemi promised and then proceeded to kiss the brunette's hand.
"Jeez, you're such a flirt"
"And that's why you fell for me" sanemi smirked.
"Tsk" giyuu clicked his tongue, looking away while pouting. Sanemi chuckled, finding giyuu's behaviour adorable. He gently turned Giyuu's head to face him and gave the latter a small peck on the cheek. Giyuu smiled, a rosy tint on his cheeks and he looked back up at the sky. He sighed, he wanted to live longer, he wanted to spend the rest of his life with sanemi but the world was fair. In return of giving great strength to defeat demons, the receiver would have to die young, a curse which was fair and unfair at the same time.

Giyuu yawned sleepy, his eyes felt heavy. Sleep was slowly overcoming giyuu which he desparately tried to fight back.
"Nemi, I feel tired"
"Sleep then my love" sanemi whispered, kissing giyuu's head. He smiled sadly, knowing full well the drowsiness giyuu felt was peaceful death.

At this point of time, giyuu was trying to fight back the drowsiness will all his might. He didn't want to close his eyes since he might not be able to open them again. He wanted to enjoy life with sanemi, grow old together and see their children. He wanted to spend more moments like this with his lover, cuddling in each other's arms and enjoying the peaceful atmosphere. He wanted to look at the sky again, he wanted to see the moon which shined brighter than the sun. He wanted to see the stars which littered the sky. He wanted to travel the seas and stand on top of mountains, looking over everything. He wanted to see sanemi's face, he wanted to feel his embrace again and again. He wanted to fall asleep in sanemi's arms every night, he wanted to tease sanemi everyday and bicker with him over the smallest issues. He wanted to make ohagi with sanemi. He didn't want to see mother earth bidding goodbye to giyuu forever. He wanted to live forever. But all must come to an end, the world is fair and no miracle can interfere with a person's death.

As the clock struck mignight, giyuu kissed sanemi one last time. He cupped sanemi's face and touch their forehead together.

" I love you nemi" giyuu softly Whispered.
"I love you too yuu" sanemi replied, fighting back his tears.

As the hands of the clock reached 00:01, giyuu took his last breath.

Sanemi kissed his lover's forehead. A single tear rolled down his cheek, creating a small stain on his yukata. He whispered, voice cracking,

"See you in the afterlife, my love"

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