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*Mild fluff

3rd person pov:

The ravenette sat up, his breathing was unstable and his sadness filled his eyes. His long hair fell from his face, concealing the tear that dripped out his eyes, the storm covered the sound of his whimpering and the cold wind sent shivers down his spine. He curled in a ball, trying to calm down but his efforts were futile, he closed his eyes and his his face in his knees. He recalled his nightmare, the angry and cold gazes of his dead loved ones in his nightmare, he could see pure rage shining in their eyes and the disgusted look on their faces. He saw images of his sister flashing infront of his eyes. She was beautiful, almost and exact replica of the ravenette. Her eyes were a demin blue and her long silky hair was always tied into a neat braid. He could remembered the time his sister comforted him when he scrapped his knee, he remembered the warmth when his sister hugged him to sleep, he remembered the happiness he felt when he was with his sister and he remembered the delicious food his sister made. He smiled softly at the memories, reminiscing his happy childhood. There was a sudden loud clap of thunder and the ravenette flinched, his happy memories all faded away and was replaced by traumatic scenes he desparately wished to forget. He saw his sister lifeless on the ground, her eyes were filled with fear and blood dribbled out of her mouth. He remembered crying over his sister's dead body, pleading her to wake up and cradle him in her arms. He remembered begging the gods to turn back time so that his sister would still be alive, he remembered his sister's cold and limp hand which was slippery to hold because of the blood, he remembered hearing the screams and crunching of bones in the room next door and he remembered the evil shriek of the demon who laughed at his sister's suffering.

He directed his attention to the window, trying his best to calm himself down but the gods hated him. He saw an unlucky orange bird struck to death by a flash of lightning, reminding him of the death of his beloved friend. He tried to forget the image of his dead friend, the latter's orange hair was sticky with blood and the lower half of his body was missing. He covered his ears, trying to tune out the haunting cries of his master when he found out his favourite student has died, he tried to forget the pain that tore his heart to pieces, he tried to forget the angry gaze of his master, he tried to forget his past but luck wasn't keen on making the brunette's life easy. He started hyperventilating, everything was too overwhelming for his sensitive heart to handle. He sobbed quietly and his whimpering became a tad bit louder. He was shivering, slowly losing sense of reality as he fell deeper into his nightmare. He was profusely mumbling apologizes and his hands were shaking.

An arm wrapped itself around the ravenette's waist and the man pulled the latter into a embrace. The man cradled the brunette in his lap, rubbing the latter's back as he hummed a song.

"Its okay tomioka, its okay" the man whispered, he ran his hand through giyuu's hair and pressed the latter's face into the crook of his neck. There was another clap of thunder and giyuu flinched, his trembling became more violent and his breathing became more exasperated. The man hugged giyuu tighter and hummed the song louder. He drew circles on the latter's back and tapped his nape three times, mumbling words as he continued the cycle.

The brunette finally calmed down after a while, he clutched the back of the man's jacket like he was holding onto a lifeline.

"Are you okay now?" The man asked softly. The ravenette nodded and dried his tears with his sleeve.

"Thanks, shinazugawa" giyuu sniffled, he pulled away and was embarrassed to see an obvious wet stain on Sanemi shoulder.

"Jeez, don't scare me like that dipshit"

"Sorry" giyuu mumbled, he bit his lip and fiddled with his fingers. He hated how weak and vulnerable he was, he destested it to his core. His eyes watered again as he reminded himself how much of a burden he was. He tried to stand up but failed, almost falling to the ground as his knees gave out.

"Oi! Be careful" sanemi yelled and caught giyuu in the nick of time. He held the shivering ravenette in his arms and sighed. He sat him back down on his lap and hugged giyuu.

"I-im okay" the ravenette squirmed in sanemi's arms, trying his best to escape the latter's strong grip.

"No you're not"

"I-I am" giyuu spoke monotonously, trying his best to convince sanemi but the wind hashira was having none of it.

"Just shut it and sit down, I know you're not fine"

"I am fine"

"Stop lying"

"I'm not"

"You just lied dumbass, just sit on my lap and stay still. You can go once you quieten down"

"But we are on a mission, we can't waste time"

"We're going to waste more time if you're not in the right state to work"

"I can work"

"You're crying again dude" sanemi stated wiping away a tear which rolled down giyuu's cheek. Giyuu's face reddened at the intimate action and turned away. Using his forearm to cover his face as he tried to hide his blush.

"Just stay here, it's not like I'm going to harm you"

"I know but I'm fine" giyuu lied again, squirming his way out of sanemi's hold.

"You really are stubborn" the wind hashira grumbled, he pulled giyuu back onto his lap and layed his head on his chest, he took off his haori and wrapped it around the latter's shoulders, keeping him warm as he embraced the ravenette.


"Shut it or I'm going to tell master and make him suspend you" sanemi growled in giyuu's ear, earning a small yelp from the brunette. Giyuu sighed and hugged sanemi back, burrying his face into sanemi's chest as he breath in his comforting scent, enjoying the warmth the flowed through his veins as he slowly fell asleep in sanemi's arms.

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