A heart wrenching dare

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3rd person pov:

The ravenette hummed happily as he made his way to the wind estate. He held a lunchbox in his hand and his mouth was curved into a small smile. The ravenette's hair was messy and his uniform was stained with red bean paste, he had stayed up all night to make ohagis for his beloved, re-doing and re-forming the delectable dessert multiple times to perfect the smooth red bean texture and the round shape of the ohagis. He knocked on the door and was met with silence. He knocked again and no one answered the door.

Giyuu's pov:

"Hmm? Isn't he home?" I mutterered, my eyebrows were knitted together.

I knocked one last time and a kakushi opened the door.

"I apologize Tomioka-sama, I did not hear you were at the door"

"Its okay, where's shinazugawa?"

"He's at the sound estate"

"I see, thank you for informing me"

"Have a safe trip, tomioka-sama!" The male kakushi bowed as he bid me goodbye. I nodded and headed to sound estate.


"Good morning tomioka-sama!" Hinatsuru greeted as she opened the door.

"Good morning, I heard shinazugawa is here"

"Ah..yes..he is" she replied. She seemed hesitant and there was a look of pity in her eyes.

"Is something wrong?" I asked concerned, I was worried that something bad had happened to shinazugawa.

"No, there isn't. Do you want me to bring you to him?"

"Yes please"


"Thank you"

She invited me into the house and led me through the corridors of the wind estate. The walls were painted with a white and grey hue and I saw uzui's muscle mice scurrying around.

"Are.. are you and shinazugawa-sama..okay..?" She asked.

"Yes? We are. Is something wrong?" I was confused, what did she mean by that question?

"No, its nothing"

"Did someone happen to shinazugawa?"

"No, he's safe"

"Then why did you ask that question?"

"Its nothing.."

Our conversation ended there. I wanted to ask hinatsuru more questions but I could tell she was reluctant to answer them.

What did she mean by "are you and shinazugawa-sama okay"? Why did she ask that? We are okay, we didn't argue, we're fine but why? Why did she ask that question?

I could feel anxiety and fear creeping up my spine, it sent shivers through my body and I shuddered as the uncomfortable feeling. I tried to shake off the bad feeling that settled in my stomach and my guts were telling me to leave. My breath hitched as I saw hinatsuru stopped Infront of a wooden sliding door.

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