I believed in your toxic love

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* TW: suicide !!please click away if you are uncomfortable!!

3rd person pov:

The brunette looked up at the moon. It shined brightly in the dark sky. A cold breeze came by, sending shivers down giyuu's spine. Empty bottles of sake surrounded the former pillar, he reaked of alcohol. The grass felt soft under giyuu's bare feet, he stood close to the edge of the cliff and stared at the horizon. Everything was quiet, no sounds could be heard other than giyuu's steady breathing. Giyuu's eyes were puffy, his hair was a mess and wet streaks were present on giyuu's pale face.

Today was the 4th year anniversary of his toxic relationship. Love blinded him, it didn't bring him happiness, it only brought pain. He believed sanemi loved him back, but it was all a delusion.


"Tomioka. Can you shut the fuck up and stop being annoying?" Sanemi shouted at the brunette, pushing giyuu off his lap.

"I need to fucking work" sanemi growled. The brunette mumbled an apology and left the room.


"Your ohagis fucking suck you shit head. Stop making them" sanemi yelled, throwing the box of ohagis at giyuu. Giyuu's heart sank. He gingerly picked up the box of ohagis while sanemi stomped off to another room.


"Why do you have to be so damn anti-social? Can't you talk to other people for once?" Sanemi scolded the brunette Infront of the other hashiras. He looked at the ground, feeling humiliated and embarrassed as he heard some hashiras snicker at sanemi's comment.


"You're so fucking weak" sanemi spat. He threw the wooden sword on the ground and walked away, leaving giyuu crying silently on the ground as he hugged his bruised body.


"That fucktard is so damn annoying. He keeps sticking to me. Can't that bitch be more social?" the water hashira overheard sanemi complaining to Iguro. Giyuu bit his lips and looked at the ground, trying his best to hold back his tears


Giyuu smiled sadly as he remembered the way sanemi treated him. The brunette kept holding onto the false hope that sanemi loved him. He allowed himself to be in denial and held onto a rotten belief.

"He probably wouldn't miss me if I died..." Giyuu muttered. He shifted closer the the edge and stared at the stars. They looked beautifully. The stars illuminated a pale yellow, decorating the night sky with small dots of dim lighting which surrounded the bright moon. Giyuu wished his life shined like those stars, he wanted to be happy but life was cruel. It laughed at giyuu's face and made his life hell. His life was dull and empty, it was black and white while others lived colourful lives. The brunette untied his hair, his long black locks of hair fluttered in the wind. He took off his haori, folding it neatly before placing it beside his shoes. A tear rolled down his cheeks and his pale lips curved into a small smile. He took a step forward and was ready to fall when he felt hands grabbing his waist, pulling him onto the land.

"What are you doing?!" A raspy voice shouted. Giyuu recognised the voice and remained silent. His was expressionless and his eyes were slowly getting dull. Sanemi flipped the brunette around so he was facing him. He lightly gripped giyuu's shoulders.

"What were you thinking?" Sanemi whispered, voice cracking a little bit.

"Let me go" the brunette muttered coldly. He pushed sanemi's hands away and took a few steps away from him, setting a good distance between the two.

"Why..? Why are you caring about me now..?"

"What do you mean?" Sanemi shouted.

"Why are you bothering to care for me now?!" Giyuu raised his voice. Fresh tears rolled down giyuu's cheek. His lips were trembling.

"Am I supposed to let you die then?!"


"But how?! How am I supposed to allow you to kill yourself?"

"Weren't you doing it these 4 years?"

"W..what do you mean..?"

"Stop pretending" giyuu scoffed.

"You never cared about me, you fucking mentally abused me. You treated me lower than trash, you never once spared a single glance at me, you hurt me, killed me with your words and I let you. I stupidly believed you loved me, I gave you so many chances, but I give up. I don't want to live like this anymore. I can't, its painful being next to you but you are the only one I have. Its hard for me to talk to people, the other hashiras don't even give two shits about me. So how the fuck am I supposed to live when I have no one?!" Giyuu choked out, his breathing was uneven and his voice was getting hoarse.

"I..." Sanemi stood there. He didn't know what to say. It was ridiculous. He mistreated giyuu the part 4 years and made his life hell, but now he's repentful for his action just because he found giyuu's suicide letter? How thick skinned must he be to suddenly care for giyuu after he internally killed him for years?

"Tell me. Did you even love me during those 4 years?"

"I...I did..." Sanemi stuttered out.

"Don't lie. Do you even love me at all?" Giyuu repeated, stepping closer to the edge.

"I did! I loved you from the beginning! Please, please dont do it" sanemi begged, tears were rolling down his scarred face.

"You're lying aren't you?" Giyuu smiled sadly. Sanemi remained silent. Giyuu knew his feelings weren't true, he knew that sanemi still loved kanae. He knew sanemi still couldn't move on from kanae even though it was years after her death. Giyuu had a melancholic look in his eyes.

"I believed in your toxic love shinazugawa" giyuu spoke softly. He took a step back, allowing himself to fall off the cliff. Sanemi fell to his knees as he heard giyuu's body hit the cold water. The sound of the impact ringed in sanemi's ears, he gingerly picked up giyuu's haori and held it close to his chest. He hugged the haori tightly and cried into the night, howling sorrowfully as his tears stained the only remnant of giyuu.


Hey guys, its the author here :3

Imma just say, no matter under what circumstances, please don't attempt suicide. Your life is important and suicide doesn't solve the problem. I remember seeing this quote on the internet and it stuck to me.

"Suicide doesn't relive the pain, it only passes on the pain to another person"

So please, don't kill yourself. You have a whole life ahead of you, you were born into this world so that you can experience what life is like. I know times maybe hard right now, but please don't take your life away. Please keep fighting and never lose hope. You are important, please remember that <3333

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