Caught red handed (PT.1 )

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*Some ✨spice✨:))

3rd person's POV:

"What the fuck are you doing you shit head?" Sanemi growled. He grabbed the brunette's hand, a deadly look in his eyes. The latter froze, surprised by the fact that sanemi was awake. The other pillar tried to pull his hand away, showing his intent to escape from the awkward situation. Sanemi grew more pissed. He tackled the culprit, pinning him to the ground with a knee between the latter's legs, successfully trapping him and preventing the culprit from escaping.

"I'm asking you what the fuck you are doing tomioka"

I-I.." giyuu stuttered.
Blush crept up giyuu's face, his ears held a saturated red colour and his mouth was agape. He was internally dying from embarrassment. He didn't know sanemi was awake. He just simply wanted to observe his 'sleeping' crush, he didn't plan that he would get caught red handed.

"I'm asking you one last time tomioka fucking giyuu. What. The. Fuck. Were. You. Doing"
"I-I... Nothing"
"What kind of perverted act is doing nothing?"
"W-what do you mean?"
"Don't act dumb. You think I don't know what shit you were doing every night?"
"I-I, Ah, uh.." giyuu was flustered, the embarrassment he felt was through the roof. It was embarrassing how sanemi knew that giyuu was watching him every night while sanemi was 'asleep'. He would quietly observe sanemi, seeing how sanemi's chest rose as he took each breath. He looked at sanemi's facial features. Sanemi's once tensed and angry face looked relaxed and peaceful when he was alseep. Giyuu couldn't admire sanemi when he was awake, he could only afford small subtle glances at sanemi before getting caught. But now, since sanemi is alseep, giyuu could observe him till his heart's content. He would gentily poke sanemi's face and trace his finger along the latter's scars.
Sanemi and giyuu were on a mission together, today was the last day where giyuu would be able to observe his crush. He cherished every moment he spent with sanemi. He had fallen head over heels for the hot headed pillar and had wished for his attention.
Well his wish did come true, but not in the way giyuu had hoped for.

"Why the hell are you acting like a perverted old man? Do you want to kill me? Is that why you stared at me every night?"
"What?" Giyuu frowned, clearly offended by sanemi's accusations.
"Then what they fuck are you doing?"
"I- I was just.. looking at you.."
"No shit Sherlock. I'm asking you why, not what dumbass"
"I'm just checking in on you as a comrade.."
"And what kind of comrade comes into his partner's room every night, stares at him, and touches his face?"
"So? Why the fuck are you acting so fucking weird"
"If you don't tell me in the count of 3, I swear I will kill you" sanemi threatened, hands itching to grab his sword and decapitate giyuu. Giyuu, obviously frightened (since sanemi was actually being real this time and not joking), started panicking. He didn't want to be decapitated by his crush, but what was he supposed to tell him???

Giyuu's mind was rushing through every lie he could say that would convince sanemi that he meant no harm.

Giyuu was panicking hard. His head stayed blank. What lie was he supposed to say???

"I like you okay!" Giyuu blurted out. He adverted his eyes, face a blushing mess. What else was he supposed to say? He couldn't say he wanted to be friends, sanemi wouldnt believe that. He also couldn't say that it was under oyakata-sama's order to observe sanemi, he couldnt use his saviour so shamelessly like that. Giyuu had no choice - it was either to confess or be killed.

Sanemi, upon hearing giyuu's confession, was in shock. His right hand which reached for his blade froze. He had to take a moment to process what has happened before he could reply.

"Wait, what-" before sanemi could finish his sentence,
giyuu pushed him off. The brunette used all the strength he could muster in that short period of time where sanemi was lagging, to pushing the white haired boy off him. Giyuu rushed off, muttering a quick "goodnight" before exiting the room and slamming the door being him. Soft but hurried footsteps could be heard in the corridor as giyuu ran to his room. Sanemi stared at the door, dumbfounded by what had just happened.

The next morning, sanemi woke up to an empty house. His crow has informed him that giyuu had left early in the morning using an excuse that he had something urgent to attend to before fleeing. Sanemi was thankful for giyuu leaving first, he didn't know how to reply to giyuu's confession. The white haired boy had dark eyebags, he stayed up all night thinking about giyuu. Sanemi sighed, he stood up and started packing his belongings, preparing to head back to the headquarters to report to oyakata-sama about the successful mission.

Sanemi's POV:

God damn it, I knew it. That fucker is avoiding me. I sighed, running my hand through my hair. Ever since the mission has passed, that prick has been avoiding me. Everytime we see each other outside, he would pretend he didn't see me and walk the opposite direction. Even that fucker has been avoiding me at pillar meetings. We had 2 pillar meetings the past month and each time I see giyuu there, he always avoided eye contact. He used to make deformed ohagis and gift it to me every week via crow but that has also stopped. I don't know why but everytime giyuu avoids me I swear I can feel my blood boil. The next time I see that asshole avoiding me, I'm going to pin him against the wall and fuck his brains out.

3rd person's pov:

Sanemi has fallen for giyuu. That's all there is to say. During the one month after giyuu's confession, sanemi has came to the conclusion that he liked giyuu after countless considerations. He was in denial at first obviously, thinking that his brain was messed up. However, after seeing how his affection for giyuu has kept growing day by day, till the point he thinks about giyuu 24/7 (and the fact that he keeps getting horny thinking about giyuu ;) ), sanemi had accepted the fact that he likes the water hashira. He had gotten sick and tired of giyuu avoiding him and his patience has run out.
He decided he was going to take matters into his own hands and have a chat with giyuu (assuming sanemi does not rail giyuu because giyuu avoided sanemi :) jkjk :3 ).


Phew, 1123 words 😦 damn. I hope you likey this fluff :3 I just can't help but add a little bit of ✨ spice ✨ to the fluff :33

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