Was our love so easily forgotten?

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3rd person pov:

The ravenette threw his wooden sword on the ground and let out a cry of frustration, he curled into a ball, head in his hands and tears streamed down his face. Memories of the night flashed before his eyes, reminding him of the painful emotions he burried deep inside his heart. He laughed, he laughed painfully, he laughed at how unfair the world was. He laughed at how pathetic he was, he laughed at the sadness which drowned him, he laughed at the stabbing pain in his heart, he laughed at himself for being so weak. He couldn't pretend his facade of being okay anymore.

He took a deep breath and stood up, grabbing his sword tightly as he wiped his tears. He practiced and practiced, and practiced, he was relentless. He didn't bother to rest when his body ached with pain, he didn't bother to drink water when his throat was as dry as sandpaper, he didn't bother to wrap his hands that were bloody with blisters, he didn't bother to worry about himself. All he focused on was getting stronger, he didn't want to be weak, he didn't want to be pathetic, he didn't want to fall to his knees once more, he didn't want to cry from the pain anymore. He wanted to be strong, so he trained for days without rest.


"Caw!...shi... shinazugawa is...awake...awake!" A crow landed on the brunette's shoulder and spoke softly in his ear. The ravenette dropped his sword when he heard the news, relief filled his heart and his eyes watered with happiness. He thanked the crow and rushed to grab his haori. He ran as fast as he could to the butterfly estate, not caring if he tripped and landed on the ground with a hard thud, he was elated to hear the person he treasured was awake.


He burst through the front door, startling a few kakushis who were doing their chores.

"Where's sanemi?" He shouted, breathing ragged.

"2nd door to the left, 2nd story 3rd corridor"

The brunette said a quick thanks to the kakushi and sprinted up the stairs. He slammed open the door to the room and saw a figure sitting on the bed. The wind hashira sat upright on the bed, his hair was messier than usual from a 3 week coma and his head was wrapped in a bandage. His purple eyes looked hazy and his eyebrows were furrowed into a frown. The ravenette ran up to the hashira and wrapped his arms around him, embracing him in a tight hug.

"Sanemi!" He called out, "You're awake!"

"Who the fuck are you?" The wind hashira growled, pushing the ravenette away. Sanemi stared at the brunette with anger in his eyes.

"Don't fucking touch me. Who the hell are you?" He repeated.

"What...what do you mean..?" The ravenette mumbled out, stunned by sanemi's reaction.

"I'll ask you one last time, who the fuck are you? If you don't answer, I will grab your fucking throat and rip your vocal cords out" the wind hashira threatened.

"I'm... I'm giyuu, tomioka giyuu.." the brunette mumbled. His heart ached and his knees shook.

"Aren't you that anti-social freak?"

"I..I am.."

"Tomioka!" A female voice called out. Giyuu turned around and saw the insect hashira, she had a solemn expression and her eyes were filled with regret.

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