happy birthday my love

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*Giyuu and sanemi are the same age
*Everyone survived muzan

3rd person pov:

The brunette pulled open the sliding door, he walked towards the boy that was sitting on the porch and sat beside him. He layed his head on the boy's shoulder. The boy didn't reply, instead, he pulled the brunette closer and layed his head on his.



"I love you"

"I love you too" sanemi replied he lifted his lover's head by the chin, and gentily kissed giyuu's rosy red lips. They pulled away, leaning against each other, enjoying each others presence. The trees in the backyard swayed as a gentle breeze came by. The moon illuminated the couple, its bright light highlighted the contrast of  giyuu's navy blue hair and sanemi's paper white hair. Sanemi pulled giyuu into his lap, he hugged his lover from the back and snuggled his face in giyuu's long silky hair. Giyuu chuckled, he reached back and petted sanemi's hair. Sanemi hummed and burried his face further into giyuu's hair, the long strands of hair softly tickled his ears. They stayed like that for a while, neither daring to move nor speak.

"Nemi, I'm so happy to have you"

"Of course you should. I'm the best" sanemi jokingly boasted. Giyuu giggled, the sounds of giyuu's laughs were music to sanemi's ears.

"Thanks for today, I had a lot of fun"

"Happy 25th birthday Birdbrain"

"I'm older than you now, so you should listen to what I say" giyuu said smugly.

"Do you want me to call you uncle than?" Sanemi teased

"What? No!" Giyuu whined and rolled his eyes, he turned away from sanemi pouting. Sanemi chuckled, finding his lover's behaviour adorable. He hugged giyuu tighter and kneaded the flesh at giyuu's sides. He kissed giyuu's temple, the latter huffed.

"Will you forgive me babe?"

"Hmph no"

"What can I do so you will forgive me?"

"Make me ohagi"

"Oh, I thought you were going to say you wanted me to fuck you" sanemi joked. Giyuu gasped, he turned around and smacked sanemi's head.

"I swear I need to clean your brain with soap one day, no kisses and hugs for you. Your sleeping outside."

"Aw, come on babe, I'm joking" now it was sanemi's turn to pout. They stayed silent for a few seconds before laughing. They loved how they matched each other's energy, they were truly meant to be.

"The moon looks beautiful today nemi"

"Yea it does"

"I'm happy we survived muzan"

"Me too" sanemi said, kissing giyuu's cheek.

Giyuu looked up at the moon, the breeze tickled his face. The moon looked like the sun in the night sky. He had a whole life to live, for once, he didn't have to worry about demons, he could focus on himself, his friends, his lover, his life. He could travel the world, explore different places, eat different cuisines, meet different people, have fun with friends and enjoy life with sanemi. He was finally free, he destroyed the thing that took his life away, he can now throughly enjoy life.


"Yes baby?"

"I want to go to hokkaido, I heard the ice cream there is nice"

"Sure, we can go there"

"When though?"

"Hmmmm, maybe two days later?"

"Oh okay" giyuu replied, excited

"You want to invite others?"

"Sure. We can invite the other hashiras, can we also invite tanjirou and his friends?"

"That's a lot of people"

"It will be fun though"

"Sure, we can invite the others"

"Yay, thanks nemi, I'll write the invitations tomorrow and ask kanz to help me send them" sanemi smiled, he ruffled giyuu's hair and the latter leaned into sanemi's hand.

"Oh yea, I have something I want to give you" sanemi spoke as he pulled out a small box from his pocket.

"Hm what is it?"

Sanemi passed the small box to giyuu. Giyuu stared at it before opening it. His heart fluttered at the sight of the gift. Sanemi took out a white colour ring, he took giyuu's left hand and slid the ring on his finger. Sanemi then took the other ring in the box and slid it on his ring finger. Giyuu teared up at the sight, sanemi had bought couple rings for giyuu. Giyuu wore a white which was similar to sanemi's hair, and sanemi wore a navy blue ring which was similar to giyuu's hair. Giyuu turned around in sanemi's lap, he hugged sanemi tightly, a tear rolled down his cheek as he said,

"Thank you.. thank you so much nemi"

"I saw those while I was shopping for your gift. I figured those would look nice-" giyuu cut sanemi off with a kiss on the lips.

"Thank you so much nemi" giyuu repeated. Sanemi smiled, he reached up and wiped the wet streak on the brunette's face.

"I love you babe"

"I love you too nemi"

Sanemi pressed their heads together, he whispered the words one more time in a sweet and loving voice,

"Happy birthday my love"

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