I love you, sanemi

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*Major character death 
*Spoiler alert?
*Imma change a little bit of the original demon slayer plot, so sanemi is a ded Boi :D (⁠´⁠;⁠ω⁠;⁠`⁠)
3rd person pov:

"Quick! Pass me a gauze!"
"I need bandages!"
"Hurry up! Get Yushiro!"
"Move it! Move it! Hurry up! We need to be quick before we lose him!"

Distant chatter could be heard, the kakushis were scurrying around, getting first aid supplies from their colleagues to threat the hashira that was on the ground. A brunette with long hair tied into a ponytail paused at the sight of the scene. The wind pillar, was lying unconscious on the ground. His face was deathly pale, the sun shined bright in the morning sky, emphasizing sanemi's critical conditions. His lower half was severed, blood and intestines were slowly pouring out of his wound. Life was drained from of his purple eyes, the only thing left were two empty orbs. The wind pillar's lips were white and his body was covered in wounds which tore him open. It was frightening, sanemi's lifeless body was traumatizing. Giyuu staggered forward, he fell to his knees infront of his colleague. He was in disbelief, he prayed that all of this was a joke, a horrible prank, a nightmare. He wanted to believe that sanemi was okay, he reassured himself, whispering empty promises that everything was going to be okay. Sanemi was going to be okay, he is okay, his body is alright, he is in perfect condition, there's no way he would die, he's a very strong guy. Yeah...there's no way he would die... Right?

Giyuu gingerly held sanemi's hand, scared that sanemi might shatter. He wiped the blood that was on sanemi's face, desparately trying to hold back tears. Sanemi's body cold, very cold. Giyuu bit his bottom lip, tears welled up in his eyes.

"S-sanemi...wake up..come on, wake up... The battle with muzan is over, let's go celebrate.." giyuu's voice cracked, his breath was shaky, his body was trembling.

"Hey... Sanemi...wake up....this isnt funny" giyuu repeated. Giyuu felt a tap on his shoulder, he turned around, it was a kakushi.

"Tomioka-sama.. shinazugawa-sama.... He...he's dead"

"What..? Could you.. please repeat it again?"

"Shinazugawa-sama is dead. We apologize, we couldn't save him..."

"N..no.., its okay, its...its not your fault, you tried you best... Thank... Thank you" giyuu whispered, staring into oblivion. He couldn't bear it anymore, he felt the dam inside him explode. He sobbed, a heartbreaking sob, he held sanemi's hand, trying to feel some warmth in it. His tears dripped onto his pants, creating a wet stain which only grew larger and larger in size as giyuu's tears continued to flow.

"N-no.. not you too... I can't lose you too..." Giyuu whispered, he lost everyone, his hashira friends, oyakata-sama, sabito, his sister and his comrades. He couldn't lose sanemi too, he didn't want to be alone in this cruel world. Although he had tanjirou, zenitsu, inosuke, tengen and his wives, the girls at the butterfly estate and oyakata-sama's children, they still couldn't replace the empty void in his heart. Only one person could, and that person was dead. Sanemi brought light into giyuu's dark world. After sabito's death, giyuu's world became colourless. But that changed when he met sanemi, it was love at first sight. Even though sanemi was rude to him, the brunette enjoyed his hot temper, he enjoyed fighting with sanemi, he enjoyed his company when they were on missions together, he loved how sanemi treated his younger brother kindly, he loved how sanemi had a soft heart under his rude and angry exterior. He wanted to see sanemi again, sanemi brought colours to giyuu's black-and-white world, he made giyuu experience emotions he would have never experienced before. Giyuu wanted to become more than colleagues with sanemi, he wanted to see sanemi laugh, see him smile, see him when he wakes up every morning. He wanted to live a life with sanemi, he wasn't entirely sure if sanemi would like him back but he heard rumors from mitsuri, rengoku and tengen that sanemi had a crush on giyuu. Giyuu was excited, he planned to confess to sanemi after the fight with muzan, tell him how much he loved him and how he dreamt of spending a life together. His dream was slowly getting slipping out of  reach, giyuu wanted to extend his arm further to grab a hold of his dream once again, but his arm could not extend anymore. All he could do was fall on his knees and cry as he witnessed the life of his crush slowly fade away, and accept the hard and bitter truth that the life he dreamt with sanemi would never come true. Giyuu's vision was blurry, his tears obstructed his vision, for a second, he saw sanemi smiling at him but it was just his imagination. He apologized for being weak, for being so weak that he couldn't save the people he loved and cared for. The brunette's heart shattered, all that was left of him was an empty carcass.
He wiped his tears, feeling no heat in his crush's hands as he whispered the words,

"I love you, sanemi"

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