Caught red handed (PT.2)

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(I'm supposed to be studying but here I am 😭)

3rd person's pov

Knock knock
"Yes, hold on I'm coming"
Light footsteps echoed through the water estate.

Giyuu opened the door, and he immediately slammed the door shut. Well, attempted to slam the door shut as a hand which was covered with scars obstructed the door from closing. "Ow, god damn it, fuck!" A yelp was heard outside. Giyuu panicked, he quickly opened the door and dragged the white hair boy into the house. He said nothing as he rushed the boy into his bedroom before opening the cabinet and searching for bandages. Sanemi held his hand in pain. He wanted to talk to giyuu and had visited the water estate. He didn't expect giyuu would have such a strong reaction to seeing sanemi. Sanemi sacrificed his hand and stuck his hand out to stop giyuu from shutting the door, which resulted in sanemi clutching his injured hand and wincing in pain. The brunette found the first aid supplies and started working on wrapping sanemi's injured hand. Sanemi's occasional grunts of pain and giyuu's continuous muttering of apologies filled the room. After giyuu finished wrapping sanemi's hand, he bowed deeply, apologizing for accidentally bruising sanemi's hand.

"I'm sorry shinazugawa-san, I.. I was shocked to see you at the front door"
"Its okay, raise your head, stop being so damn formal"
"Okay. Are you still in pain now?"
"Not anymore. But god damn, you sure are fucking strong."
"Stop apologizing dumbass"
"Okay, sorry"

Sanemi sighed, slowly getting irritated by how easily giyuu apologizes.

"Shinazugawa-san, may I ask why you are here?"
"Because you keep avoiding me"
"Huh..? I..I didn't avoid you though"
"Lies. You started avoiding me after the mission"

"I- I don't quite get what you mean... I'm acting how I usually do. " giyuu stuttered, face flushed.

"Stop the bullshit. You are avoiding me. You stopped sending me ohagis. You avoided eye contact. You pretended you didn't see me outside and when we are at pillar meetings you run away when we are in the same area."
"I-I...s-so you came here?" Giyuu said, looking away.

Sanemi was getting annoyed, he wanted giyuu to focus on him. He pushed giyuu down, pinning him onto the ground. He pushed his knee inbetween giyuu's legs. If sanemi moved his knee up an inch, his knee would be on giyuu's crotch. The water hashira, noticed the position they were in and would have grew redder if it was humanely possible.

"W-wait what are you doing" the latter stuttered.

"Stopping you from looking away"

"B-but, I'm not.." giyuu said, even more embarrassed which resulted in him looking away from sanemi.

"Tsk, you're doing it again dumbass"

sanemi gentily grabbed giyuu's chin, slowly turning giyuu's head to face him. Giyuu wanted to use his hand to cover his face but sanemi was quicker, he used his uninjured Hand to pin both of giyuu's hand on top of his head. Now that sanemi could take a good look at giyuu, he realised how pretty giyuu was. Giyuu's eyes were an ocean blue and held thousands of emotions. His deep blush complimented his fair and tanned skin. His long hair looked silky and soft. Giyuu was beautiful. Sanemi could not help but admire giyuu's appearance, he dreamt of running his hand through giyuu's hair. He wanted to kiss the brunette's rosy red lips. He wanted to stare at giyuu's eyes all day and he wanted to mark giyuu's fair skin. He wanted to devour and treasure giyuu. It was until now that sanemi realised just how much he loves giyuu, he regretted not realising it earlier as he have missed many chances of seeing the latter's breath taking appearance.

"W- wait why are you doing this?"
"Have you forgotten your confession half a month ago birdbrain?"
"Wait, you still remembered?!"
"No shit Sherlock, it was stuck on my mind everyday"
"Oh.. sorry... I know what your answer is going to be. You don't have to worry, I know you don't like me"
"Who said?"
"Wait what?" Giyuu paused. His brain was trying to process his newly acquired information.
"Wait are you being serious? You like me?"
"Yes giyuu. I like you"
"Wait- WAIT WHAT" giyuu exclaimed in surprise. His brain was lagging. He was overjoyed. His crush liked him back! He didn't expect sanemi to reciprocate his feelings, he thought whatever connection he had with his crush was severed after the confession and was ready to give up on his one-sided love, but sanemi liked him back!

Sanemi chuckled. He found giyuu's reaction adorable. He loved how giyuu's eyes lit up in happiness and how his mouth curved into a small smile. Giyuu was too precious. Sanemi bent down and kissed giyuu on the lips. The latter was taken a back at first but he kissed his crush back. Sparks ignited in the kiss, the fluttery feeling inside thier chest was overwhelming. Giyuu's lips felt better and softer than what sanemi had fantasized, it felt like he was kissing a cloud. They both pulled away. They each had a hint of blush across their face.

Sanemi layed on giyuu, snuggling his face into giyuu's neck. He enjoyed giyuu's scent, the salty ocean smell was calming.

"You're too adorable"

"W-what?.. that was random"

"You're too cute I wanna fuck you"


"Hah, I'm joking birdbrain.. well not really"

"You dirty bastard" giyuu teasingly shouted, smacking sanemi's back.

"Were you staring me at night during the mission because you liked me?"

"No shit Sherlock"

"Tsk, having an attitude now are we?"

"Oh shut up"

They both laughed, enjoying how they matched each other's energy.

"I was surprised you were awake"

"I was awake since the first night"

"Wait really?!"


"I thought you were asleep"

"Well you thought wrong dumbass"


"Oh yea you can call me sanemi"

"Okay shinazugawa-san" giyuu smirked, emphasizing 'shinazugawa-san'.

"Tsk, its sanemi, birdbrain"

"Okay sanemi" giyuu couldnt hold his amusement and laughed.

Sanemi gave a small chuckle and hugged giyuu tighter. He smiled and spoke,

"Thank god I caught you red handed."

-------------------------------------------------------- its 11pm rn and I still have to study 😭😭😭 oh whelp- anyways, I hope you enjoyed this fluff :3 sry if the story is a little incoherent, my brain lagging at night (⁠٥⁠↼⁠_⁠↼⁠). Thanks for reading this one shot :333 (or two-shots? 🤨)

Update: I proof read this and I love the fluff 😭😭😭🤌🤌🤌

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