Setsubun 🍋🍋🍋

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3rd person pov:

The night croaked with a errie quietness, and the occasional thumping of footsteps echoed in the hallways. The sky covered the earth with a black sheet, and the shadows hidden under trees seemed to open a portal to an unknown dimension where everything was filled with darkness. A tall figure stalked out of a dark corner, amethyst eyes fixed on a particular building which emitted a sweet smell. His mouth watered with the savoury aroma and his grinned - portraying pristine teeth with sharp fangs that suited his appearance. He chuckled to himself, before walking out of the alley and down the desserted streets.


The ravenette layed the couch, eyes drooping with drowsiness as he flipped through multiple channels on the television. He sighed, annoyed with his boredom he was due to the lack of entertainment in his apartment - he was a college student sharing an apartment with his peach haired friend, but that friend was staying over somewhere else and had left the poor ravenette alone.

He was bored to tears, and wished for some entertainment - be it any kind of activity as long as it was fun enough to satisfy his boredom. He pulled out his phone and started surfing through the internet, browsing through his friend's Instagram account or watching videos while he layed on the couch with drowsy eyes as he stared at the small digital screen.

He was watching a video of a cat, a small furball which was playing with its owner, when he heard a thunderous footstep in his hallway him. He sprang up, whiping around to survey his environment when he heard yet another footstep - but it was closer this time. He got up, cautiously walking to the dinning room to reach for a knife before tiptoeing to the door. He scrutinized the apartment, fear gripping his heart at the thought of an intruder lurking in the dark shadows before he heard a snicker coming from the darkness.

The ravenette's breath hitched and he held the knife infront of him, eyes darting around the room whilst his hands scarmbled to get the keys in his pocket. He jammed the key into the key socket and twisted it, but it was futile. The metal piece remained stuck in the door knob and no matter how hard to human tried to turn it - it wouldn't unlocked the door.

The ravenette was panicking and he rammed into the door vigorously, trying his best to bust down the wooden plank but paused when he heard another laugh from the shadows.

"Who are you?" He screamed, picking up the knife that he had previous dropped and holding it up with trembling hands, "how the fuck did you get in?"

"Don't you remember me, tomioka?" A raspy voice chuckled back.

Two amethyst orbs appeared in the darkest shadow, causing the ravenette to flinch and yelp at the look of hunger in those eyes. A chilly gust of wind blew in the closed room and the creature stepped out of the shadows.

He was tall, lean, and fairly muscular with spiky white hair and sharp eyes. Scars littered the tanned skin and a horn emerged from his forehead followed by a flickering tail that waved from side to side as the demon stared at his human prey. He was cladded in black jeans and only wore a blazer for his 'shirt' to show off his toned chest and scars.

"Y-you! What are you doing here?" The ravenette yelled, stammering on his words which caused the demon to smirk. Giyuu stared at the creature in shock and flung the knife at him - only for it to be caught by the latter whom fiddled with the blade like a toy.

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