1- Optimus Prime

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you were bored and wanted to do something fun or something that could entertain you. you laid down on the couch and sighed with frustration "Ooooppptimus...." you groan. "do you require any assistance?" Optimus says looking up from his work. "you wanna do something today?" you ask lifting up your head to look at him your (E/C) eyes looking up at him begging.

Optimus narrows his eyes in thought and opens his mouth. "are you aware of a human pastime called 'Chess'?" You immediately got up and raced over to him. "i can so beat you in chess prime you have no idea like im the best chess player in jasper i even have a trophy for beating this one kid who was good at playing chess but i beat-" "i understand your statement." optimus says glad the he interrupted you before you could continue.

"well just know that  could beat you in chess." you said bragging. "i wish to test your theory." Optimus says leaning in closer to you. Blush flows across your face as you look away. "Y-yhea sure." you stutter.

(im not gunna do that part in the story about how you and him play so just picture that you got your ass handed to you and im not going to go word for word on what i said ok. its my book and i can do whatever the hell i want deal with it) 

(FUTURE ME: wtf this story is short af let's fix that)

You go back over to the human area and open a drawer with gamed and controllers. Grabbing the box of chess you get back up and walk over to the prime. Grabbing a table you placed it on the rail and then opened the box and laid everything out.

"Black or white?" You asked getting all the pieces out.

"Black." Optimus said watching your small hands grab the pieces and put them in their places. Your hands shook a little from the anxiety. He was watching you and you knew that chess was all about knowing how to plan 5 steps ahead bit you knew that the prime had battle experience.

This was gunna end badly.

When everything was set up you looked up at him. Optimus walked over to the stairs leading up to the human area and slowly he began to shrink. You almost forgot that ratchet had made him a mass displacement device.

Optimus came over to you and had a seat on the other side of the table. But before the game began you quickly held out your hand. Optimus looked up at you with a raised brow and you smiled.

"It's good sportsmanship." You said. It took a minute but he took your hand in his and gave you a shake. His metal hand was so cold. But he didn't hurt you with his grip and the smoothness of the metal calmed you. Well almost calmed you.

"Let's the game begin." You said and instantly you moved a pawn 2 spaces up. You set up your defence but you didn't know what Optimus had planned.

You didn't know if he was a setter like you or if he was a instant attacker. You hoped he setter.

Optimus looked down at the board and he studied it closely. The move you made opened up so many opportunities. Optimus ran through movements plans and actions in his head.

He knew what all the pieces on the board ment and what they did and so he took a knight and moved it up and then looked up at you.

The look he gave you made your stomach turn but not a bad way. It was like he was trying to tell you something but he remained silent.

Your mind started running with thoughts bad ones of course. But you shook your head and then looked at the board. Optimus was not a setter and you got uneasy from that.

You thought back to when you played with your uncle and how you and him would wet up your defense and offense but now you were lost. Though your uncle did do a attack that stunned you and that was in 4 moves.

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