25- Grimlock

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you sat there on a crate looking at your peds with a bored look.

"todays so boring" you groan as you lean all the way back and lay yourself on the other side of the crate. looking upside down you smile with a warm felling inside your spark

"woops, my bad." someone says as they stomp around the junk yard.

"that was my collectors edition bucked toothed jim!" danny cires as he kneels down to collect the shattered remains of his once valuable item.

"maybe you should go to bot mode grim, it would be best." bee says trying to reason with the dino.

grimlock only sighs as he transforms back into the lovable bot you knew.

"i just wanted to show you guys that i can be careful when im in dino mode." he says with a sad face.

"and look where that got' cha grim." sideswipe says gesturing to the broken hearted danny. "your just to big." strongarm jabs sideswipe in the side as he cries in pain.

"no hes right," grimlock says walking away. "im just to big for this world."

bee tries to stop him from walking away but it dosnt work.

bee looks at sideswipe with a frown.

"that was not your call to make sideswipe." bee says to the red bot.

sideswipe only shrugs.

"we all know its true even (y/n), dont' cha (y/n)?" sideswipe calls out to you.

you look at the bot with a frown as well.

"that wasnt ok for you to say swiper." you say getting back up and walking away form the group to go find the dino-bot.

-Time skip brought to you by optimus calling lazerbeak a tin canned turkey-

walking threw the woods you find grimlock tracks and follow them.

coming to a clearing with trees surrounding the area you find a green dino-bot sitting down on the grass.

walking up to him you sit beside him.

grim dosnt even look at you but he knows your there.

"there right ya know?" grimlock says still not looking at you.

"no, sideswipe was wrong, not everyone eels." you say leaning your frame on the big bot.

"hes still right tho." he says sigh a sad sigh.

getting up you walk in front of him with your servos on your hips and looking at him. "grim look at me." you say.

grimlock looks up with his babyblue optics that melted you spark.

"sideswipe is a gich-head and we all know that." you say leaning your face next to his.

"but that dosnt mean you have to listen to that dumbaft." you say with a smile.

grim only smiles as he grabs your waist and pulls you in. "you always know how to cheer me up (y/n)." grimlock says kissing your neckcables.

blushing you smile and kiss his helm. "i guess you could say im a dino- bot whisper." you say laughing when grim bites on your neckcabels and growling.

"you take that back." grim says playfully but sounding threating.

smiling you whisper in his audio receptor.

"make me."

and with that he topples over you and starts to tickle your sides

"no grim!" you cry as you laugh.

"say it." grim says still tickling you.

"im sorry! im sorry!" you laugh.

grim stops as he looks at your panting form. seeing you like this made him happy to be alive. leaning down he kisses you. then trailing down to your neckcables.

humming a earth tune you only pat his helm.

-ANOTHER time skip brought to you by grimlock and (y/n) getting JUICY.-

coming back to the junk yard you and grim laugh and giggle.

bee looks at you with a smile as well as grim.

"glad your back guys." bee says nodding.

you and grim nodd back as you walk past bee and walk over to sideswipe.

"hey swiper..." you coo placing your servos on his shoulders.

sideswipe freezes.

"think fast!" you say as you move out of the way so grimlock can put the pink paint all over sideswipe.

"HEY!" sideswipe cries as his paintjob was ruined.

"consider that pay back!" yo say with a smile as you two start laughing.

bee and strongarm start laughing to and now he know not to call grim big.

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