16- Entire DJD

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the only thing you wanted was some peace and quiet but sadly you didnt get that for your present. yo got everyone on the ship screaming and yelling, Helix yelling at Tarn and Kaon looking at them (*muffled laughing*)

you never understood why the ship was so loud and nor did you care to ask but you always went outside on the ship activated your gravity heels and walked outside of the ship to sit and wait for the commotion to stop.

on this day however you did your normal routine and waited for the yelling to stop. though you couldn't hear anything in space you listened to all the yelling on the coms something that you could never get rid of. but what surprised you was you couldn't hear Tarn from anyone and this made you wonder.

turning your head you mouth opened to scream and you did, but you couldn't hear yourself. there he was Tarn, standing there in all his glory looking down at you. your body stood up quickly and his hand pushed you down.

"dont flatter yourself." tarn said on the coms. your eyes widened and you nodded before sitting back down with him following. your legs felt numb and you looked away form the leader.

"you come up here often ive noticed." Tran says looking at you. you nod softly but still didnt look ay him. you felt his knee touch yours and you flinched. turning your head over to him you saw his shoulders raising up then falling back down as if he was laughing.

"what are you laughing about?" you asked looking at him with a glare. tarn looks at you and you immediately shrink underneath him. his eyes narrowed as he looked at you.

"you talk to me like that one more time, ill cut your spark out." he said leaning into your body. you shook your head and looked away scared and yet blushing form the threat. he leaned back and still looked at you.

"merry Christmas (y/n)." tarn said before pulling you into a quick side hug. you closed your eyes loving the contact that he gave but then frowned as he let you go.

"merry Christmas." you muttered before looking back out in to the stars. feeling a finger poke your side you turned and saw tarn looking a you again. your eyes looked away as he leaned into your face.

"t...tarn?" you asked. his finger placed on your lip shushed you. his head touching yours and his face plate where his lips would be touched yours.

the "kiss" was shocking and you didnt know how to explain why he would do this. but the overall thought of him kissing you sent butterflies to your stomach. leaning into the kiss he places his hand on your cheek as you do with his. the kiss was stopped as he leaned away from you your face a blueberry

you rubbed your sore eyes and you saw him laugh again. this time you didnt ask why he was laughing because you already knew why. looking up you saw the little green and red plant that you and the team picked up on your last visit to earth. the red seeds shining down on the two of you. a string combined with a long pole carried it to the other side while Helix held it.

your eyes narrowed at the sight of him smiling at you. but the thought quickly passed as tarn leaned in once more kissing you again.

"merry Christmas." he said again in a commanding tone this time. you smiled and leaned in pecking his face plate again.

"merry Christmas Tarn."


as you stood there looking around the ship your eyes caught the colors and the lights that hung around the ship. the smile on your face was more then enfoe to show how much you loved this human holiday all the lights, the festivities, and overall the mistletoe that always hung above the door that opened to the bridge. the rules that tarn put on the little plant was that if you walked threw while someone was coming out you HAD to kiss them no matter what status you had on them or not.

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