42- Optimus prime

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The software play of music made you hum along swaying your head vacation and forth smiling to yourself and letting the music control your movement.

You've been an auto-human for 3 months now meaning that you were just like Jack Miko raph. It made you feel wanted at some points but you still had a fun time around your friends.

Looking at the t.v with the news that was usually on you sighed looking around seeing if anyone was Watching it. Not finding anyone but yourself you grab the remote and turn it off and return to your music. 

You always loved the base, sure it was cold alot but you never went anywhere without your hoodie pulled and around your body making the cold just a word to you.

You saw that everyone was gone on missions but one bit that you really didn't care for as much as everyone eels. Optimus Prime stood there. A sigh of peace. Metal and bolts. Everyone liked him but you. And everyone didn't understand why you didn't like him. He was so sweet sometimes even thought he didn't show it alot. You only frowned as you continued to your music then feeling eyes on you and you sighed.

"Do you have anything better to do?" You spat not looking at the prime. He didn't respond and you felt the gaze shift away from you and you smiled. Everyone was shocked the first time you mouthed off to the leader. Mouths were open and eyes were wide. You just looked at everyone like they were just those clowns you would spray water with at the carnival.

But you still didn't get why everyone liked that darn bot. He was stupid when it came to knowing about humans and though it wasn't his fault you still hated it. When you would leave to go home he would always ask you where you were going and you would always mouth off to him saying stuff like, "your not my dad." Or, "fuck off." It made you feel powerful when he would just leave you alone after you remarked at him and you would smile at yourself.

Today was no different apparently. Your snarky attitude made people and bots not wanna be around you. Not even Jaki and he was hard to shake off. But you always came back a day you could tell that everyone hated it when you came but you didnt care nor did you think anything of it.

No one was there still and you just sat there until the sound of his voice boomed through your earbuds and unto your ears.

"What are you doing?"

"Why do you care?" You asked looking at him a glare in your eyes and the frown clear on your face. Optimus eyes narrowed annoyed and frustrated. You didnt care so you just turned back around and smiled again. 

"Come here." He commanded. You pulled one of yor earbuds and looked at him with wide eyes.


"You heard me." Suddenly your heart flipped and your face get hot. He never got mad with you or anyone and the sound of his voice shook you down to your core. You smiled and rolled your eyes before going back to your phone. "When you get your home back, come and talk to me." You mocked knowing how hard that must of hurt the prime knowing g the struggles he's been going  through to get it back. 

"Suddenly the back of your head gets slammed back and you cried with pain as the earbuds fall out of your ears and your hands flew to your neck. You cursed like a sailor but you didn't care you were in pain and you wanted him to hear you.

"Talk to like that again and I'll fragging end your life so you understand. You will never call me anything but Prime or Optimus do you comprehend what I'm saying to you?" Optimus says his voice dark. You blush and nod and he says "what?" And your face grows hotter as you whimper.

"Yes sir." Optimus hums a ok and he looks at you as you turn around and meet his eyes filled with furry and anger.

"I will not hesitate anymore (y/n). I'm done with your behavior I'm appalled when you talk to me like that and I'm on the verge of just ending you myself do you understand." Your eyes widened and you nod and he nods back.

"Knows who's in charge." He says before turning back around and back down the hall. You stay in that way for a couple of minutes trying to wrap your head around what just happened. When you came up with no logical response you rubbed your ached neck. 


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