21- Starscream

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-I thought I could copy and paste the request here.....I thought I could...well fuck my life.

But still enjoy you know who you are when yiu requested the story my apologies that I am to dumb to not know how to put yiur request here my ignorance if unfathomable.


Never in your life would you think yiu would fall head over heels for a robot and a robot from another planet mind you.

Sure it was hard waiting for the right moment and yes it was difficult to talk to him due to the fact that he was usually not even around. And yes you knew that no one liked him because well it was starcream.

Yes! You had a thing for the flamboyant con and yes you drooled when he walked in but you kept that to yourself when it came down to it.

You would simp over the con as if he were the ruler of the deceptions and not the bucket head named megatron. And when you did become his human pet that's when it all came down. That's when he looked at you differently. He saw the way your lips would pout when uou didn't get your way (which was often) and your eyes would wander when you were spaced out.

But the con would he lying to himself if he said he didn't get attached to you. It was fo he never felt that way before how strange it was to feel this way about a mere human.

But today was a diffrent day entirely. Today he was on a somewhat good mood and what better way to feel better then to play with your pet?


It wasn't long before you heard the door to your room open. But you began to wonder who was knocking or really banging.

So walking over you opened the door and lock and behold it was starscream.

"Starscream, what a surprise." You said looking up and cranning your neck to see him. He looked down at you and he placed his hands behind his back and walked in not caring I'd you invited him in.

"Yes well get used to me comming." He turned around and looked down again. "Not that you have anything eles planned." He was right of course. You just stayed in yiur room and twiddle your thumbs.

So what was so bad on having some company even if it was starscream.

"So what do you..um want to do?" You asked looking around your very empty room in search for something anything really

Starcream looked around as well not finding anything. "Your quarters is as bare as you are." He says smirking proud of himself for the insult.

You smiled and looked around agreeing with the con. "Yhea your right." You say your eyes on your bed and thrn on the desk next to it. "But it's home for some."

Starscream narrowed his eyes upset that you didn't feel bad. "Yesss well it suits your..." he tried to find a word for it but couldn't come up with one.

"Lack of flare, depression, no motive to decorate? Yhea I know." You said laughing at yourself. Starscream watched you in bewilderment truly shocked by how well you coped with the emptiness of well you.

"Don't create a depressing atmosphere it kills the mood." Starscream says. "Didn't know there was a mood to deprive of." You say a smile on your face.

"Hoe do you act so pleased?" Starscream sneers apauled by your happiness. How could you be so happy when your pervious life had been taken away from you? How can you even stand to laugh at such depression he needed to know.

"You just accept the fact that your path changes that's really all it is." You say. Starscream stutters for a moment how could such a frail being have so much wisdom.

"And besides, I just think about things to change my mood." You say. Starscream raises a brow at you. "Elaborate."

"Well I think of things certain scenarios that would brightness my mood." Starscream looks at you as if your senial.

"What type of scenarios?" He asks. You flush red and chuckle to yourself. "Well sometimes when I'm...flustered I think of you doing something about it." Starscream stares at you wide eyed.

"You think of me?" He askes. You nod and starcream kneels down to you. "What do you do when you think of me?" Starscream felt something in his spark. He didn't know what it was and he didn't know what to do so he sat there and let his spark decide for him.

"Well when I'm in a sexy mood I think of dancing for you." You say your face red and yiur eyes not wanting to meet his own. Starscream smiles and sits down fully. "Do try to create such a scenario." Starscream Says a sly smile on his face.

"What no no no I couldn't possibly-" "I didn't ask." Starscream interrupts. You stand there your legs wobbly. You had his gull attention and he was very adamant that he was not going to budge on this.

And a smiple dance could hurt could it?

You started and it was a rough start. You had no beat to sway to your mind was racing but you closed your eyes and fell into a scenario.

Your hips sawed with no beat, your legs moved with no way, you were litterly in the moment. And starscream woupd be caught dead if he wasn't feeling something right about now. He was craving something. The way your body swayed the way your eyes were closed and you were so focused on what? He didn't know.

He watched your arms raise and fall your legs guide your moves yiur feet planning your next step. Every movement was calibrated, every form was flewed. You were flawless and starscream know it. How could he not for you were his pet and his pet alone.

So when he asks for you to dance and he will again you will have no problem doing it all over again right? Let's hope so or it's your head.

-THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE REQUEST! now granted I don't really write for the screamer I was happy with the result. Now granted I tried my best and I hope it's not too short for you.-

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