39- Helix and Tarn

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you never really liked the word wreaker and nor did you like the people you hung around when you were one.

but today was different. today was something wired. everyone on the ship was acting strange towards you and you hated it.

usually you would just take down notes and codes and occasionally single a beckon for the buyers of the weapons' but today you couldn't do any of it.

everyone looked at you like you were something to love and want and you felt sick to your stomach by their looks even helix and tarn as they looked at you with needing optics.

you wave at them but quickly wished you hadn't as tarn walked over to you and grabbed your small hand and kissed it. (made kissing motion you uncultured swine lol jk)

your eyes went wide s you pulled your hand away and looked at him.

"what the hell is wrong with you?" you sneer as you hold your hand close to your chest.

" Oh if you only knew sweet (y/n) only if you knew-"

"you dont get to talk to her like that." helix says budging in between you and tarn.

you looked at the two with confusion and anger.

"i am the leader of this ship and only i get to take her helix you should watch your words." tarn says jabbing his digit in helixes chest.

"you would only know wouldnt you tarn or should i just let her decide?" helix says shooting daggers at tarn.

your mind was trying to solve the problem that laid before you but even your couldn't think of a possible reason for the violence."

""watch where your poking tarn." helix snarls as his chest opens then closes in threat.

"you only wish you could do that helix you only wish."

"if i may ask." you interrupt. the two mechs looks at you waiting for your to say something eels.

"what in the name of the allspark are you two fighting about?" your question seemed more like a demand but you didnt mind the thought.

"something that you wouldnt understand." tarn says sweetly which scared you. never in your life had you heard tarn out of all the bots sound nice.

"oh she would." helix growls.

"shut up." tarn says 

"we all know we want it." 

"want what helix?" you ask

the two look at you and helix smiles and you know if tarn could he would be as well.

"well, youve been on this team for how long?" helix asks thinking.

"400 stellar cycles why do you ask?" you say looking at the two with cautions eyes.

"well there's a rule on this ship." tarn says looking at you.

"once you reach the 200 mark were suppose to give you a prize." the way tarn spoke your spark fluttered and you hated it.

"what prize?" you asked even though you didnt ant to know.
suddenly helix grabs your wrist and then pulls you in smashing his lips to yours. your optics widen but then close as you melt into the heated kiss.

"im the captain of this ship helix." tarn scowls as he grabs you away from the bot and then smashes his lips to yours. again, you melt and wrap your hands around his neck cables.

"hey n fair!" helix growls as he shoves tarn and grabs you and bits your soft neck cables earning a squeal from you.

"oh your gunna regret that you idiot." tarn yells as he grabs your leg and pulls you over.

"you think you can have her."

"im the captain."



the sound of your voice shuts them both up as they look down at you.

"why cant you both just do it?" your question rang threw their audio receptors as they looked at each other with a sly grin.

"ill take bottom."

"ill take top."

and with that they attack you and force you to the ground and have their way with you with your enjoying the squall with them

' i guess that ill have to stay another 400 to get this again.' you think as they switch again.

'ill just have to wait.'

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