22- Optimus prime

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You were just chillin, just minding your own shit, like a normal fucking person. But no no no your day just had to be ruined by a certain someone one you've known for a while now. She looked at you from across the human area her eyes glued to you. You shifted uncomfortably in your seat. Why was she starighn at you what did you do?

But as she stared at you you saw that she wasn't really looking at you but past you. She was looking at a certain bit behind you. Wheeljack. The bit who came now and then. Saying hi for a few days and then getting all angusty and leaving like a depressed band member.

You didn't know what your freind saw in the bot. And you didn't want to ask when you couldn't really judge her. Because..welll...you had your own litrle crush. Bit yours didn't leave like a moody teen. No, yours stayed.

"Do you think I have a shot?" You heard beside you. You jumped shocked that your freind came up to you. You looked back and saw that the wreaker was talking to his pal bulkhead. "Ryleigh, I just want you to look at yourself and see if that's what you want to show him." You said placing a hand on her shoulder.

Ryleigh looked at you with a raised brow. "What are you talking about?" She asked. You thought about it. What were you talking about? You had no say in the matter. And you couldn't tell her that her chances of being with the guy wasn't bad. Again how can you judge?

"Have you asked him out?" You asked. Ryleigh reeled back and her face flushed red. "What!...no no no why would i..." ryleigh trailed off not knowing what to say. "So I'm taking that as a no then." You said noting that in your mind.

Ryleigh was never the type to ask. She believed in the way that the guy should ask the girl. But trust me if she wanted to ask she would and you've seen her try. Multiple times and all of them have failed.

"Here." You said getting up and looking down at her. She watched as you brought your hand out to her. "Well go ask." Ryleigh blushed again. "No no no that's OK y/n really-" "Look either you and I are going or I'm going. Pick." You said. Ryleigh bit her lip and thought about it but then nodded. Taking your hand you lead her over to the two wreckers.

"Hey boys!" You said cooly pulling ryleigh behind you. Bulkhead greeted you two and then you turned to jack. Yo and him had been friends but not like how and miko. You knew him. That's all you needed.

"My darling freind here." You started as you pulled ryleigh from behind you. You took your hands and placed them on her shoulders and pushed her forward. Her feet struggled to stop you but you were determined.

When she got to the bot of choosing you came up behind her a smile on your face. "Ryleigh here likes you big guy like love like." You gave ryleigh a little shake. "How about you two hook up and save everyone the trouble." You wernt trying to rush the love you just wanted it over and done with.

Ryleigh looked like her soul had left her body. Her face was as red as a tomato and you could have sworn that you saw a tint of blue to the wreaker.

Wheeljack cleared his throat and looked at bulkhead who just shrugged.

But as he turned back to you and ryleigh he eyed her up and down a smile crawling up his features.

"He likes what he sees?" You thought and a shiver came up you. Your mind wanders yo another bot. If he gave you that look you would look like ryleigh.

"Why not." Wheeljack says and then looks at bulkhead. "Be right back bulk, got to go take care if some unfinished business." Wheeljack says looking back at ryleigh who only looked faded. Like her body was just a husk.

And with that wheeljack took ryleigh in his hands and walked off and out of the base going up to the top to his ship.

When you looked back you saw bulkhead was looking at you with a raised brow. "What?" You asked. "You helped them get together, why?" Bulks question dent you back a a little. "Cause she's my freind why would I not?" You said crossing your arms over your chest.

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