10- Optimus prime

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you were sitting down in the human area listing to some music when you saw optimus come walking in the main area of the base. youve had a crush as big as cybertron for the mech for a while now and when yo see him you blush madly

you saw him walk u to the huge computer things and start typing. "what are you doing?" you ask getting up and walking over to him. you leaned on the railing and waited for the primes response.

he turned to you and only stared. this made you feel awkward so you askd again. "what are you doing?" you asks once more. this makes the prime narrow his eyes at you.

"i am acquiring the codes from one of the capsules that bumblebee and arcee contained form the decepticons." he says sternly but it wasnt mean just the way he talked.

"oh." you nodded and thought about the doo-hickys that the bots and cons have been trying to get.

"well what dose this one say?" you inquire leaning in a little closer to look at the screen.

optimus dosnt look at you but talks.

"i am not certain." he comments as he continues typing. you only nod.

"ok..." you say you then slowly get up and your arm slips on the metal and you trip and fall.

but when you thought that you were dead you felt a metal hand wrap around you in safety.

"are you alright (Y/N)?" optimus asks with worry. you look around and pat yourself to make sure that you weren't a ghost.

"im....im good?" you said but it sounded more like a question then a statement. optimus sighs and places you on his shoulder and you blush.

"please be carful (Y/N), i do not wish to see you dead." he says bluntly. you look around at your new height. everything looks so different now that you were up so high.

"what is it like being so tall?" you ask turning over to the primes head that was quite literally in your face.

"i do not see any challenges with my height." optimus lies. you roll your eyes.

"if you dont want to talk to me you can just say so." you sigh turning around and placing your head on your hands.

"what are you speaking off (Y/N)?" optimus asks. you sigh and close your eyes.

"you dont want to talk i get it." you say.

"what makes you think i dont want to talk to you?" he asks.

"your to busy on decrypting that code." you say pointing to the large screen. "you dont have time to talk i get it." you said lookin down. optimus sigh and continues working.

'whatever you say (Y/N).' optimus thinks.

(alright there you go be happy!)

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