42- Optimus prime

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you were sitting down in the human area with your legs crossed and reading a book. reading the last part made you blush.

"the only thig i saw when i walked into the room was him without his shirt and his skin sparkling with the water that followed. my eyes light up and my body froze. he suddenly saw me and smiled and held out his hand. "come with me (y/n)." 

it rattled your bones and you felt your skin shiver with goosebumps. you had ordered this book made just for you by a very nice and very good author that didnt ask why on gods green earth why you wanted the man to be named optimus and you were so happy with that.

closing the book and taking a breath you look around the room and see only see ratchet. "wheres prime?" you asked the medic. "in his room." he said waving you off not really paying attention to you or the question you asked and how much info he just gave you. you smiled and quickly paced the book down and dashed off and into his room. 

walking into the small crack of his door you slipped through and saw the inside of his room. filled to the brim with papers that were written in cybertonian you didnt care about the papers though you just wanted to see him. suddenly hearing the sound of water you blushed. just like your book you walked into the bathroom peaking through the door and seeing him. your eyes widened and blush ran across your face like wildfire and you quickly turned around and covered your now red face.

'be brave and just walk in there you got this your a big girl.' you think tapping your temple. you take a deep breath and turn around and take a full step in and then look up and see what you just read. his skin sparkled with the water that followed- you looked down and sucked in a breath. 

his hands ran down his built body and his hands wrapped around his member and stroked it softly and sighing in pleasure- 'wait WHAT.' you thought seeing his hands wrapping around his member stroking it softly releasing a low growl and you froze as you watched him stoke himself even more then muttering something under his breath. "(Y/n)~" he growled pumping harder and biting his lip harshly to hush himself.

you suddenly walked over to him and looked up at the sight of him. "prime?" you asked. his eyes flew wide open and he looked down at you and froze.

"(Y/n)!" he said rushed as he quickly turned around and hid himself in the corner freezing in his place.

"leave Now." he commanded. you could tell that he was embarrassed out of his mind and he hated to show any emotion. you smiled and then shifted into your cybertronian mode and then stepped over to him and placed your hand on his back. 

"prime its ok." you said softly. he flinched and you felt bad for him. keeping this hidden.

"optimus." you said trailing your hand down his side.

"its ok." you whispered placing soft kisses on his back. he groaned and then turned slowly to you and not looking at you.

"what are you doing?" he asked softly. you then saw the scared Orion pax and sighed kissing his forehead.

"its ok Orion." you said. he sighed and placed his head on your shoulder melting into your touch.

"i know what your feeling." you say taking your hand down further. 

"please help me." he begged taking his hand and pulling you tighter.

"of course." you said kissing his neck before finally touching his member making him flinch again and stiffen.

"relax." you cooed going down to his waist where his member was and stuck your tongue out and licked it. he quickly grabbed the back of your head and groaned.

"i can help you." you said taking him into your mouth licking him. he gasped and you felt his knees weaken.

"focus." you said coming back out. he nodded and you continued. 

your head was a rhythm that he never knew existed. he was there with you through everything and loving you for who you were and now he had you, on your knees making love to his member and he loved it.

he was the scared little Orion she meet all those century's ago and she never changed and yet he did. becoming a prime changed him. he used to smile daily now he would just frowned. keeping his emotions in check. even the natural one like this. 

optimus then felt a feeling he hasnt felt in for ever and he slammed your head down.

"right there please." he begged softly and you went faster knowing to that he was close. optimus bit his lip harshly as he reached his climax hitting him harder then anything in his life. optimus doubled over still keeping you in place but loving the feeling of you around him. the seed sprayed inside your mouth and you swallowed when you were able to. you stayed there and waited thanking god that you didnt need to breathe. you let him take control he deserved it. 

he came back up and looked down at you. slowly getting up he helps you and then he holds you in his arms.

"thank you (y/n)." he says softly almost to a whisper. you smiled and kissed his neck.

"anything for you orion." you hummed. he made yo look at him and then without warning he smashed his lips to your in a hot sweet kiss making you lean back and hit the wall of the shower. the water still flowing over the two of you and you loved it. 

he came back and looked at you with a new emotion. Love.

"(Y/n)." he started but yo shushed him with your finger.

"i love you to prime." you said kissing him again which he did not fight.

"but next time we do this." you said pulling back.

"please me ok?" you said thinking that he would blush and not know. he suddenly dove into your neck and bit you harshly making you cry out in pleasure.

"next time ill do more then just please you." 

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