13- Bumblebee

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"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" you scream as you see a spider walking across the human area.

you jump up on the couch and start to throw pillows and anything you can find to kill the reached beast that was the spider.

miko comes over and looks at you. "ummm, are you ok (Y/N)?" miko asks looking at you like you just got out of the loony bin.

"FUCKING SIDER!" you cry as you jump off of the couch and run over to your gradian.

bee looks down at you with a puzzled look and looks at miko. bee buzzes over to raph asking whats wrong with you.

"(Y/N), bees asking whats wrong with you." raph asks.

"bee there's a spider a huge gigantic SPIDER kill it kill it kill it kill it!" you ramble as you wave your arms over at bee getting his attention. bee looks over at the human area and narrows his optics.

soon enofe he sees the spider and looks at you. 'really?' bee thinks as he rolls his optics and walks over to the human area and kills the spider.

"oh my god i didnt mean for you to kill it!" you say looking over at him with a frown.

bee looks at you with frustration. 'you just said yo wanted me to kill it!' bee sighs and looks over at you.

you look at where the spider died and frowned.

"sorry little spider dude." you say raying for the little bug.

'they wanted me to kill it and now there sad about it.' bee thinks as he walks over to you and looks down at you.

you look up at him.

"sorry bee." you say with a frown.

'primus there cute' bee thinks as he lean into your head and nudges you softly as a kiss like action.

you blush and kiss his faceplate.

"sorry i made you kill that spider."

(alright there you go Kattyz hope you liked it sorry if it was to short i dont really do bee that much. ut thank you for the request and have a great day!)

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