32- Ultra Magnus

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Mute: A mute is a person who does not speak, either from an inability to speak or an unwillingness to speak. The term "mute" is specifically applied to a person who, due to profound congenital (or early) deafness, is unable to use articulate language and so is deaf-mute. 


Y/N Pov

you were sitting in the human area of the base drawing something (IDK pick something...) enjoying how the pencil ran across your paper gave you a thrill. 

you knew most of the bots but the one that you knew the most was the big blue one, Ultra Magnus. sure he can be demanding at times but he never said anything to you harshly and you liked the way it was and you felt like you could do anything with him and he wouldn't judge which gave you confidence that you never knew you had.

the day was slow and the bots weren't doing as much. optimus (fangirling) was out with bee and arcee on a energon hunt, and ratchet was being ratchet. 

you looked around and didnt see Ultra magnus around which bothered you. you looked at your phone and realized something was wrong, Ultra magnus was calling you.

(Y/N) p.o.v

slowly you held the phone up to your ear hand heard nothing except breathing. You wanted to say something anything. "(y/n)?" his voice was raspy out of breath. you got up quickly and ran out of the base and found a dark hiding spot and opened your mouth. "magnus?" your voice was merely a whisper. "you answered." he says. 

"what happened?" you ask with a panicked voice. "i decided to engage the predicon on my own." he says out of breath. your eyes widened with fear. "oh no." the thought of him getting injured scared you to your very core.  "ill get ratchet and tell-" "no (Y/N). i just want to talk to you with my final breaths." your eyes began to prick with hot tears. "what, wait no you cant!" you whimpered. "im gravely sorry dear (Y/N)." he says sadly. "i wish i could have spent more precious moments with you." he says raspy once more. "please no.." you whisper as you slide down the wall and land on the ground. "you cant please magnus i...i need you." the aching in your heart grew with every given moment as you spoke out." 

"and i am sorry that you will have to move on without me (Y/N)." ultra magnus says. "but do not be sad forever. start anew. like you always do." he says with a new change to his voice. "talk to others dont shut out." he says. "and lastly..." you catch on a breath. "smile...." 

 RubyWolf- love it! when u do part 3, can you make it where the reader uses a necklace and make a final wish till the necklace disappears forever. Not knowing that it works. ultra magnus is alive once again and even ratchet didnt know how.

Grabbing your necklace tightly you pray for his heath. "please god please." you murmur. "he cant die i wont let him its not fair it never was in the first place." tears streamed down your soaked face as you start to tremble with sadness and fear of loosing somebot like him in such an terrible way.

seeing the light in his eyes flicker on and off made you want to scream as he was going to join the all spark soon. 

"if i had just one wish." you say catching your breath. "it would be to let you live." and like that you feel a scene of purity. 

Magnus pov

her voice crack like it did hurt my very spark as i lie on the cold rock bed. i take a breath feeling my lungs expand with air before letting it out. 

thinking of all the time me and her fought side by side. in battle and in self. 

imagining the tears on her sweet pure face brings sorrow to my being. closing my eyes i start to fade into the darkness.

"Anata wa anata no tame ni kurushinde iru hitobito ni heiwa to yorokobi o mitsukeru tame ni mōichido kōshin sa remasu, anata ga hontōni shinu made urutoramagunasu wa (Y / N) to issho ni imasu" 

(you will be renewed once more to find peace and joy to those who suffer for you, Ultra magnus will be with (Y/N) until your truly die)

light filled my vision as i start to regain feeling in my limbs both big and small (heheheh) opening my eyes and looking around the cave i stare at my body. "the energon i leaked before.." i say looking at my once wounded leg. "its gone?" something like this could never happen but yet in some outrageous miracle it did.

suddenly i recall (Y/N). 

"magnus?" she whimpers quietly. 

"tell ratchet to prepare the groundbridge." a pause fills the space. 

"Im coming back."

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