37- Impactor

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"man if i had a quarter for every time i saw a decepticon i would be filthy rich." spike jokes a smile on his face as he gets out of bumblebee and looks up at you.

you only sigh as you type something on the super computer reporting your mission and how it went.

"so (y/n), have you seen our old leader imact?" hound asks (I dont know if he was in the wreakers unit or not but just pretend that he is.)

you stop what you were doing to look up at the green bot.

"no, haven seen him since we got back." you say looking past hound and into the orange hallway.

"well when you see him tell him that we need to train for the next wreaker mission k (y/n)?" hound says holding a thumb's up to you. you only nod as you turn around and continue your work.

-Time skip-

you ended your report as you sighed feeling your hurting digits.

"what will it take to get some high-grade in my system?" you ask as you walk away from the screen and into the hallway and into your room.

looking at the desk with a small smile you see the small glass of high-grade that sat on a note. walking over to the glass you pick up the note and look at the scribbled hand writing that you knew all to well.

saw you worken on that damned reports so i thought you needed some of this to end your suffering, and meet me up of the ships roof in 0800 hours thats an order


you chuckle to your self as you set the note down and take a long drink of the high-grade and shake your helm a little as you feel the liquid burn your insides.

walking away form the desk you set the glass down and head out for the roof of the ship that stuck out of the mountain. you already knew that you were late but you didnt mind that and you knew he didnt either.

the fact that he was patience with you and not the others brought a warm feeling to your spark as you remember the ways he would smile at you and frown at the others.

getting up to the roof you look around and see that he was standing there looking out into the starry sky.

"your late (y/n)." impactor says. you smile as you walk up behind him.

"saw your little note commander." you tease as you stand beside him and also look out into the sky.

"you know how i feel about bots that fail to meet the requirements." impactor says looking down at you with a small smirk.

"oh youll get over it." you joke as you nudge him in his side. he only chuckles as he brings his hand up and around your waist and pulls you in. you blush as you rest your helm on his shoulder and stay in the moment for how ever long you wanted.

"(y/n)?" impactor asks looking down at you. looking up at him and humming a response as you move in closer.

"why did you want to be a wrecker knowing that you may never make it out of the rubble?" the question shocked you for a moment seeing as impactor was asking it.

"well..." you say re-adjusting yourself.

"i guess just seeing you take action where i couldn't gave me a push." you say looking up at him a smile playing on your lips. impactor smiles as he leans in and kisses your lips softly.

you were shocked but this wasnt the first time that hes done this to you its just that it was


\as you two break off you look at him and smile as the blushing comes back to your faceplate.

"what? never kissed a commander before?" impactor jokes as he pulls you in again.

"no its not that." you say looking away but then slowly looking back at him a sly smile on your lips.

"its just that you never try to kiss me. I usually kiss you." and with the words coming out of your mouth he slams his lips on yours once more but this time with more force.

you smile into the kiss as you know you struck a nerve with the stone-cold commander and his dominance in the relationship.

he lets you go and looks down at you with a devilish smirk.

"dont you ever question my authority again little femme do you understand me?" impactor says his eyes narrowing at you.

you smile and nod.

"yes commander."

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